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Lessons for confronting deterrence and militarism from Hawaii, America’s ‘unsinkable aircraft carrier’

Amid competition with China, the already-robust US military presence in the Pacific is being expanded, with new bases planned for the Federated States of Micronesia and Palau. Activists and Indigenous people living on America’s unsinkable Pacific aircraft carriers increasingly assert the right to live not on a battleship but as part of nature.

Superstorms and the man who saw them coming

It’s sometimes forgotten that in March 2013 the head of America’s Pacific Command said the top security threat in the region was global warming. Simon Winchester thinks it’s worth remembering.

The ban treaty: A big nuclear-weapon-free zone?

The nuclear weapons states seem to have accepted the idea that a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons—known informally as the ban treaty—could indeed be the result of a UN conference being held this June and July in New York City. Nevertheless, some observers maintain that even if a ban treaty were to be negotiated, it … Continued

South Asia is not the most dangerous place on Earth

While the nuclear situation between India and Pakistan is not good, it's been over-dramatized as near-inevitable here in the West, says a noted physicist from the region.

How did we get from trade disputes in Ukraine to nuclear threats in Severodvinsk?

Moving past the Ukraine crisis will require a mindset rare among national leaders. It is a mindset capable of seeing connections, patterns, and dynamic systems, one with a sightline extending into the future beyond the next political election, and into the past as seen by others who experienced it.

A message from Tripoli, Part 5: How Libya gave up its WMD

What drove Qaddafi to decide to eliminate his proscribed weapons programs? Could those conditions be replicated elsewhere? 

Nerds, ninjas, and neutrons: The story of the Nuclear Emergency Support Team

Recently declassified material and other information that has never before appeared in the public domain allow a glimpse into the workings of the Nuclear Emergency Support Team —often one of the first agencies to respond whenever there is an incident involving a nuclear weapon or a nuclear reactor.