Categories: Interviews

Michael E. Mann: A scientist in the crosshairs of climate-change denial

By , November 1, 2010

The Penn State climate scientist who helped author the “hockey
stick” global warming temperature graph describes the campaign to
discredit him following the theft of emails, including some he wrote, from
servers at England’s University of East Anglia. Climate-change
denial groups said the emails showed unethical conduct, but scientific
organizations and academic panels said this was not the case, defending Mann and
the credibility of climate science. Mann believes the widespread media coverage
contributed to the failure of the US Senate to take action on carbon dioxide
emission controls this summer. But he cites polls showing that the matter may
not have compromised public belief in climate science and expresses optimism
that policymakers will force emissions reductions in time to avert truly
catastrophic changes to Earth’s climate.

Read More: Michael E. Mann: A scientist in the crosshairs of climate-change denial

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