Categories: Nuclear Roundup

Nuclear Roundup: 9/26/16

By , September 26, 2016

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

Iran Nuclear Deal

Iran says some sanctions under nuclear deal still in place

US has met its side of Iran nuclear deal: Moniz

Iran: Nuclear deal could be in jeopardy if sanctions not lifted

Experts: Iran Developing Long-Range Missiles Under Nuke Treaty

Unthinking the Thinkable: Iran and the Bomb

Obama’s Top Iran Negotiator May Have Had Personal Email Account Hacked While Negotiating Deal

Dold slams Iran nuke deal, Schneider says enforce it

United States

Defense Secretary Carter is an expert on nuclear weapons, but says little about them

Nuclear Weapons Secrecy Policy Relaxed, a Bit

New president should gut Energy Dept., Heritage says

National Ignition Facility tops 400 shots in FY16

US Air Force Set to Replace Intercontinental Nuke Arsenal


U.S. sanctions Chinese firm tied to North Korea's nuclear program

China reopens former underground nuclear facility to the public

China probes North Korea bank suspected of nuclear link – South Korea paper

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ teleconference podcast: Nuclear Instability in Northeast Asia

How North Korea Helped Seal the Deal on THAAD

The Fukushima Disaster and the Future of Nuclear Power in Japan

An Interview with Former Prime Minister Kan Naoto


Secretary Moniz Announces Removal of All Highly Enriched Uranium from Poland

Jeremy Corbyn attacked by nuclear disarmament campaign group over Trident 'U-turn'

UN Security Council adopts resolution on Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

Resolution 2310 (2016)

UN Security Council Bans Nuke Tests But Not Nuclear Weapons

General Interest

Risk of nuclear attack rises

Opposing nuclear weapons in the era of millennials

It’s Time to Ban and Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

Maralinga nuclear tests, 60 years on: a reminder not to put security before scrutiny

The Gathering Nuclear Storm

Here are the Names the U.S. Air Force Didn’t Pick for the B-21 Raider

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