Categories: Nuclear Roundup

Nuclear Roundup: 1/17/2016

By Jodi Lieberman, January 17, 2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

Iran Nuclear Deal

Iran sticks to deadline of nuclear deal with centrifuge move: IAEA

The Iran nuclear deal is a success – and the whole world is safer for it

Obama: Iran making good on nuclear deal promises

Obama warns against ditching Iran nuclear deal on one-year anniversary

A Year Later, Iran Nuclear Deal OK, But Road Ahead Could Be Rocky

ICG Report

Can The Iran Nuclear Deal Survive Its 2nd Anniversary?

United States

One scientist’s do-it list for presumptive Energy Secretary Perry

Don’t Forget Rick Perry Is Now In Charge of American Physics

8 Reasons To Worry About Rick Perry Running The Department Of Energy

When Does Donald Trump Go Nuclear? Football, Codes Will Be His; Can Launch In 5 Minutes

South Asia could use nuclear weapons: US Vice President

Sherwood-Randall: We need to respect and protect our federal workforce

How cops can detect and prevent a dirty bomb attack

A look at the 17 agencies that make up the U.S. intelligence community


Russia expects dialogue with Trump on nuclear weapons: Lavrov

Trump: Cut sanctions on Russia for nuclear arms deal

Kremlin Dismisses Trump’s Nuclear-Reduction Idea

Restarting the U.S.-Russia Relationship in Iceland

How to Deal with North Korea: Lessons from the Iran Agreement

China’s Very First Nuclear Attack Submarines Had Some Major Fatal Flaws

U.S. hopes to overcome Chinese hurdle on India’s NSG membership bid

Shrub fire outside METI leads to arrest of anti-nuclear activist

How Trump might shake things up in Asia

General Interest

Russia’s First Nuclear Attack Submarine Was a Real Killer (Of Lots of Russian Sailors)

Did Germany Make America and Russia’s Nuclear Attack Submarines Obsolete?

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