A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.
North Korea
N. Korea will test-fire ICBM in not too distant future: party’s official newspaper
United States
Trump’s nuclear modernization dilemma
This is where the government will hide during a nuclear war
Will production of nuclear ‘pits’ leave LANL?
Guest column: Scientific frontier threatened under Trump budget
NNSA and PONI partnership grows next generation of nuclear security experts
Explained: India, NSG, And the Chinese Roadblock
Will the Iran Nuclear Deal Survive?
SCO summiteers praise efforts to implement Iran nuclear deal
NDRF base set up in Delhi; ready to respond to nuclear and biological attacks
New tests don’t detect plutonium in lungs
IAEA Director General’s Introductory Statement to the Board of Governors
General Interest
If a nuclear bomb goes off, this is the most important thing you can do to survive
What participants in a nuclear weapons ban treaty (do not) want
It’s Time for a Disarmament Race
The Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty: reasons for skepticism
How Are Nuclear Plants Decommissioned?
Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at brodnica67@gmail.com.
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