An animation of global risk

By , July 19, 2017

Check out our latest interactive, “Know the Time,” an animation of technological advancement and global risk, documented by the Doomsday Clock. It was created by Fabian Stricker, Mapper and Digital Business Integration Analyst, who became concerned about global risk due to the alarming rhetoric used during the 2016 US presidential election. Follow Fabian on Twitter at @stricker_fabian.

Know the Time
An animation of global risk

More Bulletin interactives:

Nuclear Notebook Interactive
Global nuclear arsenals over time

Doomsday Dashboard
The factors that influence the Doomsday Clock

Global Nuclear Power Database
World nuclear power reactor construction, 1951-2017

Nuclear Fuel Cycle Cost Calculator
The price of power

And if you haven’t seen the July/August issue of the digital journal, “After midnight,” read it now.

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