Categories: Nuclear Roundup

Nuclear Roundup: 10/17/2017

By Jodi Lieberman, October 17, 2017

A daily roundup of quality nuclear policy news.

North Korea

North Korea says “nuclear war may break out any moment”

Russia steps up as go-between on North Korea

N.K. unlikely to talk until securing ICBM capability that levels playing field: Robert Gallucci

Note on the Question of Iran/North Korean Cooperation

United States

The President’s Power to Start a Nuclear War

U.S. Navy Launches Most High-Tech & Stealthy Nuclear Attack Submarine Ever

Daniel Ellsberg warns of nuclear dangers in the era of Trump


Trump: ‘Total Termination’ of Iran Nuclear Deal Possible

This is what Hans Blix told me about the dangers of Donald Trump’s foreign policy

Russian, Iranian Diplomats to Discuss Iran Nuclear Deal This Week: Ifax

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Trump’s Iran Strategy Looks Ominously Familiar

Trump’s U-turn may see Iran join North Korea as a nuclear state

The Iran Nuclear Deal Without the United States

General Interest

Nuclear Fallout Shelters Were Never Going to Work

We Almost Learned What Happens When Nuclear Missile Subs Collide

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