Categories: Nuclear Roundup

Nuclear Roundup: 12/6/2017

By Jodi Lieberman, December 6, 2017

A daily roundup of quality nuclear policy news.

North Korea

South Korea doubts North Korea’s ability to launch nuclear ICBM

North Korea’s nuclear threats prompt South Korea to form armed drone unit in case of war

US Training its pilots to destroy North Korea’s nuclear weapons

China province near North Korea warns about the dangers of nuclear war

North Korea the ‘biggest threat to humankind’ right now, top US diplomat says

UN official’s visit to North Korea sparks hope of mediation role

Offutt likely had eyes on North Korean missile launch

North Korea’s new missile is a game-changer

Why the US considers North Korea’s Kim a ‘rational actor’

Have we got just three months to avert a US attack on North Korea?

How one North Korean nuclear-armed satellite could cripple the US military

United States

ITER nuclear fusion project faces delay over Trump budget cuts

Nuclear Armageddon fears impact on US pop culture

Ex-Sandia Labs worker admits role in fraud case

Second Hanford tunnel at risk of collapse; DOE has a plan to prevent it


In talks with Tillerson, Mogherini urges U.S. to support Iran nuclear deal

US: Rex Tillerson vows to hold Iran to the nuclear deal

Nuclear Russia scares the world (again)

Say goodbye to Russia’s nuclear-armed doomsday train

Russia mulls additional two nuclear icebreakers

Nuclear reactor operator submits 30-year plan to scrap trouble-prone Monju facility

India and Pakistan: Rivals in a nuclear arms race

By roping India and Japan into its standoff with China, the US is raising the nuclear stakes in Asia — including, dangerously, between India and Pakistan.

Taiwan wanted nuclear weapons to deter China

Israel’s super secret nuclear weapons program: Everything you need to know

General Interest

Sleepwalking to Armageddon: The threat of nuclear annihilation by Helen Caldicott – review

Nuclear disarmament expert at Rotary meeting pleas for non-proliferation

Nagasaki-based English journal on nuclear issues published online

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