By Michael Byers, Kent A. Peacock, July 2, 2019
In December of 2011, Kepler 22b was confirmed as the first potentially habitable planet orbiting in the Goldilocks Zone of a Sun-like star. It is located about 587 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. Image courtesy of NASA/jpl-Caltech/Ames
Italian physicist Enrico Fermi had a knack for back-of-the-envelope calculations. In a famous lunch-time conversation in 1950, Fermi used his knowledge of astronomy and probability to highlight a problem: If intelligent life exists elsewhere in the galaxy and if long-distance space travel is achievable, then Earth should have been visited by aliens by now.
So, Fermi asked his colleagues: “Where are they?”
Despite tantalizing hints, such as the inexplicable sightings by US Navy pilots recently reported in the New York Times, there is still no reliable evidence of alien life, either on our humble planet or elsewhere in this infinite universe.
The discrepancy between the expectation of intelligent alien life and the absence of evidence of them is known as the Fermi Paradox.
The paradox is made more acute by recent studies that show that there are billions of planets in this galaxy alone, and that water is common in our solar system and beyond. Given these facts, it seems likely that there are many worlds where life could arise, and that some alien life forms will have advanced to the point where they can travel between the stars.
So, to reiterate: Where are they? And why haven’t they contacted us?
There are many conceivable answers to the Fermi Paradox. The Zoo Hypothesis posits that aliens have accorded Earth a park-like status because human beings are unready for contact. Star Trek fans will recognize this as the Prime Directive, which prohibits Starfleet crews from revealing themselves to species that have not yet achieved warp-speed technology.
Then there is the Rare Earth Hypothesis, which claims that the conditions necessary for life are extremely uncommon. For example, while there are many planets that exist within the Goldilocks Zone around a star—where temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold, but just right for liquid water, the presence of which could be a precondition for life—few such planets have a large single moon generating tides and therefore intertidal zones like those that hosted Earth’s first lifeforms.
Another possibility is the Great Filter (a term coined by economist Robin Hanson of George Mason University), which postulates that all life has to make it past an extremely exacting challenge that renders survival improbable. For example, abiogenesis—the gradual process whereby the first self-replicating molecules become increasingly complex as the result of randomly occurring chemical reactions—might be an extremely low-probability event. No matter how favorable the other conditions for life might be, the chances of it ever starting might be so very low as to make what happened here on Earth nearly unique.
But it is also possible that abiogenesis is a common event. Indeed, life appeared on Earth almost as soon as the surface was cool enough to allow for liquid water.
Yet another possible reason for the absence of intelligent life out there—and hence for why no one’s contacted us—involves asteroid strikes, which are random but inevitable events in a universe full of gravity and orbits. Sixty-six million years ago, an asteroid strike changed Earth’s climate, wiping out the mighty dinosaurs (except for the birds) but sparing a few of the small but adaptable mammals.
Self-inflicted climate change has frequently been identified as a possible Great Filter. According to this theory, any intelligent lifeform will consume vast amounts of energy as it develops technologies. Since harnessing energy always results in some kind of pollution, the planet’s ecosystem will eventually be degraded to the point where it imperils the polluting species.
With this in mind, consider anthropogenic climate change. Our species has increased Earth’s average temperature by only slightly more than 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit), yet we are seeing increasingly frequent and severe floods, droughts, and forest fires, as well as melting sea ice, crumbling glaciers, sea level rise, ocean acidification, and widespread biodiversity loss.
With atmospheric carbon dioxide levels at 415 parts per million and rising, we are on track to shoot far past the 2-degree Celsius increase (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) that scientists have identified as the safe outer limit for preserving our civilization—and some researchers warn that even that 2-degree figure is far too optimistic to be considered safe).
Add in all the known and unknown feedback loops and tipping points—such as the possible release of the vast stores of methane trapped in the now-melting Arctic—and the future of our species is looking rather bleak.
Somewhere out there in the vastness of space, other forms of intelligent life likely faced similar problems; some might have been able to develop cleaner energy sources from the start, or switch to them before calamity struck. There is still an outside chance that humanity could do this—though we are running out of time, fast.
Still, the universe will always be a dangerous place, and this fact opens up the possibility that the Fermi Paradox could be explained by the fact that every species must surmount not one, but a series of pass-fail survival tests before it becomes advanced enough to be detectable on a galactic scale. This could collectively reduce the statistical odds of long-term survival to almost zero. This insight is based on Lotka’s Curve, named after the early twentieth-century Polish-American mathematical biologist who identified it, A.J. Lotka.
Lotka’s Curve explains why in any specialized field—from scientific publishing to aerial combat to the game of golf—only a very few individuals consistently win, while everyone else mostly loses. This is because they are constantly being put through a series of trials with binary outcomes. Your paper is published, or it is not. A golfer wins the Masters, or he does not. A species survives an existential threat, or it does not. There are no middle outcomes.
Lotka showed that the number of contenders who survive a given number of trials goes roughly as an inverse power of that number. Winning once might not be particularly difficult, but winning consistently is very, very hard.
Lotka’s insight consequently points the way to another possible answer to Fermi’s puzzle. Our universe might generously allow for the possibility of life, yet ruthlessly cull it as soon as it emerges—again, and again, and again. There is no single Great Filter, just the merciless statistical odds against long-term survival.
The human species is presently faced with several possible survival filters. Some, such as asteroid impacts, arise randomly; others are self-inflicted, such as nuclear weapons, anthropogenic climate change and, perhaps quite soon, runaway artificial intelligence.
One last filter could be that intelligent space-faring aliens might decide to terminate our war-mongering species before we become too dangerous to the rest of the universe. (Ironically, such an encounter would also prove that it is, in fact, possible for a species to survive long enough to develop the technology to travel between the stars.)
Our response to this daunting list of hazards should not be fatalism, but a thoughtful examination of what it takes to stay ahead of the odds in a tough game where the house almost always wins.
For half a century, arms control treaties have helped humanity to avoid nuclear war. Countries are now cooperating on the asteroid threat, with the first deflection test-mission planned for 2021. And scientists and entrepreneurs are racing to develop and implement technologies that could, potentially, get us through the climate change filter—even if politicians are unable to exercise foresight on this issue.
We know that human beings have the capacity for intelligent foresight and large-scale cooperation. It cannot be pure luck that our species has survived as long as it has.
But now, we need to raise our game. Are we an exceptional species, or just another flash in the cosmic pan?
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Maybe as a general rule, no ET technology progresses past the point of being able to deflect incoming asteroids before destroying their own environment. If true, we can predict the future extinction of humanity, which is happening right now.
I'm not sure about that last filter -- aliens deciding to terminate our warlike species. We'd have to solve the looming global warming crisis, find a way to not to use nuclear weapons on each other, then develop the means of traveling to other stars in a reasonable time frame (which means discovering a way to circumvent the speed of light) before we could pose a threat to any life forms beyond our little solar system. The way things are going, it seems unlikely (at best) that we can accomplish the first two, or that we'll ever get to manned interstellar travel. The aliens, wherever they may be, can rest easy...
We are a flash in the cosmic plan
Maybe all universal intelligent life is a flash with some making it farther than others. Some that rarely make it past enough pitfalls develop A.I. that continues on. Maybe advanced alien A.I. from the longest lasting civilizations and humans trying to mimic it secretly are what people are seeing almost daily in the sky. We just happen to live at the most deciding time in human history and it looks allot like we could go out like the vast majority do.
We will never know the answer in our meager life.
There probably are aliens on other planets, as there are many, many planets in our system. They may be advanced or could be Stone Age... if an alien civilization sent us radio messages 200 years ago, would we have picked them up? we wouldn't.
Exactly. If intelligent alien life lived Mars a billion years ago they would have seen earth like we see any other uninhabitable planet and probably asked the same questions we are now about intelligent life.
Maybe the increase in sightings, after an increase until nukes were tamed (temporarily) points to aliens watching and gathering data for a cosmic report on how advanced peoples pass their tests and beat the odds. Or not.
Enrico Fermi said a lot of memorable things. I remember one, to paraphrase:"Anything that has a statistical probability of happening, no matter how small, will eventually happen".
Fermi's famous question in this paper, that: "why haven't they visited? suggests we are important enough to visit. We are just beginning to understand light, entropy, gravity, and we have been at it for 50-250 years. Lotka's formula is equally flawed, as we have survived 6 mass extinction events, and we are here, we must be the most evolved species in the infinite universe-- or equally as progressed as any that now exist of have existed. Or that we are 'quarantined'. What? Why would a 10 billion year old species want to talk to us? The scientists that write these papers don't ever consider traveling to a third world country to talk science with illiterate $1 day people, and they are the same species on the same planet. Too 'unenlightened'.
Would we even recognize a 'visit', or a tell tale sign of something that does not have to create fossil fuels or nuclear fuels? Would we be able to see tell tale evidence for some species 100 million light years away or more? Would they stay put on their planet, and stay in a state of equilibrium? Maybe the other species they talk to are on their own planet, having had a billion years to evolve. The anthropomorphic presumptions posed in this paper speak to our vanity.
It's possibly a case of convergence of advanced technologies many of which carry global level extinction potential.
Technology is a power lever. It's development is in that way connected to the amount of damage it could also unleash and as a civilization develops, it's almost certain to introduce more and more technologies each of which could have the potential of destroying said civilization if not handled properly, either directly (think how much energy an antimatter powered type civilization would have at it's fingertips) or indirectly through negative side effects (AGW as an example).
So it's not just climate change, right now we are looking at multiple elements that can have a devastating species level outcome. Some examples are Nanotech, Genetech, WMDs in general, AI, AGW. As I said, a convergence of relatively low probability but critical damage technological potential which is often not handled until the danger becomes obvious that alone may have minor likelihood of but compounded likely result in a real possibility for a critical outcome on a species level which could at the very least result in a new dark age thereby pushing our species down on the tech tree.
A civilization has to learn to pre-emptively handle any potential critical negative technological outcome before it new technologies are widely introduced once a stage is reached where such negative outcomes can be catastrophic for the species. Assuming that all civilizations develop from lower forms of life with basic instincts of personal survival (seems likely) over millions of years and thus carry the genetic memory and instincts of their ancestors, it may be very difficult to relinquish animalistic tendencies before the convergence "gets them".
Maybe only a very small percent of civilizations (assuming that the emergence of life on appropriate planets is a an intrinsic property of this universe) manage this and that is why we have not seen anyone in our neighbourhood. That and assuming that there are civilizations that have managed to overcome this reasonably obvious boundary, I doubt they would want contact with what they likely perceive as animals that may or may not make it as an advanced, multi-system technological species.
We tend to love to think of ourselves as unique but the fact is that all evidence which we have today usually suggests that where there is one there are many. I doubt the idea of "rare occurrence of life" is correct, if we are here it's likely because the existence of life and even intelligent life is an intrinsic property of this universe.
Also, based on the rate of our development in terms of technology, it's very unlikely that asteroids would put a serious enough limit to the development of species. We have had a technological society for only about 10k years. Our species as we know it is just a few million years old. As the article notes here, the last major incident was 66 million years ago and our technological development seems to be accelerating. 1000 years today are like 100000 years a few millennia ago.
So the end effect seems to be that a species must be capable of "growing up" very quickly as it approaches this technological power lever multiplier boundary. If it cant grow up fast enough, it probably doesn't make it.
Since gravity is universal couldn't that also be to blame for not allowing for many civilizations to continue to the point of interstellar travel? Gravity is necessary for civilized life to form but it also sucks asteroids in, making it so the "reset" button keeps getting hit. Imagine the devastation a small asteroid would do on a planet larger than the Earth with stronger gravity.