Nuclear Weapons

Memo to Trump: Cancel US Air Force’s Sentinel ICBM program

By Mackenzie Knight, January 17, 2025

Editor’s note: This is part of a package of memos to the president. To download a free PDF of this memo, click here.

Mr. President, the extreme cost and schedule overruns of the United States Air Force’s new Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program highlight the need to address the future of our country’s ICBM force and present an opportunity for curtailing wasteful spending.


In 2016, an Air Force cost analysis concluded that replacing the existing force of Minuteman III ICBMs would be cheaper than a life-extension program. But the Air Force program to develop the new Sentinel ICBM is vastly over budget and significantly behind schedule. The Air Force notified Congress in January 2024 that the program was in critical breach of the Nunn-McCurdy Act, with a 37 percent cost overrun and a two-year schedule delay.

The situation had worsened as of July 2024 when, upon certifying the Sentinel program to continue after its Nunn-McCurdy breach, the Defense Department announced a new cost estimate of $140.9 billion—constituting an 81 percent increase since the previous estimate—and a three-year schedule delay. Flawed assumptions, program mismanagement, and the awarding of an unprecedented sole-source contract for a program of this size have worked together to create this problem.

The struggling Sentinel program is on track to become one of the most expensive nuclear modernization programs ever in the United States. But there is still time to put a check on some of this wasteful spending while maintaining strategic security.


The following options are presented in order of the level they deviate from the current program of record, from lowest to highest.

— Option 1: Life-extend portion of Minuteman force and reopen the Sentinel contract for competitive bids

A primary reason for the massive cost overruns and schedule delays is that Northrop Grumman was awarded a sole-source contract for the Sentinel program after Boeing withdrew from the competitive bid process due to the “inherently unfair … advantages” held by Northrop Grumman. The consequence of a sole-source contract for the Sentinel program is higher costs for individual program components and the domino effects of staffing shortfalls, IT infrastructure challenges, supply chain disruptions, and other issues plaguing Northrop Grumman. Option 1 would reopen components of the Sentinel contract for competitive bids to identify cheaper options and cut wasteful spending. This option would slightly delay Sentinel’s deployment and would, therefore, require that a portion of the current Minuteman III force be life-extended to maintain deployment levels.

— Option 2: Reduce the maximum number of deployed ICBMs to 300 and procure fewer Sentinel missiles

The current deployment level of 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles was set by arbitrary congressional requirements, not by a review of strategic necessity. Several previous presidential administrations have reduced or considered reducing the ICBM force level. The Pentagon even considered significantly reducing the number of deployed ICBMs after a 2013 interagency review concluded the United States could meet deterrence requirements with a one-third reduction in deployed nuclear forces. In each case, Congress blocked the executive branch from doing so. The president could choose to listen to Pentagon officials—both military strategists and those who operate the US nuclear arsenal—and make an executive decision to lower the number of deployed ICBMs to 300. This would save a significant amount of money by reducing procurement, operation, and maintenance costs.

— Option 3: Cancel the Sentinel ICBM program

This option would reduce the number of deployed ICBMs to 300, life-extend Minuteman III ICBMs, and cancel the Sentinel program. This would save a significant amount of money. In 2012, it was estimated to cost $7 billion to turn Minuteman III ICBMs into what the Air Force called “basically new missiles except for the shell.” Even if a new life-extension program were more expensive than this estimate, it is unlikely that the cost would even remotely approach Sentinel’s projected $141 billion—and growing—price tag.

— Option 4: Eliminate ICBMs from the US nuclear arsenal

There is little rationale for ICBMs in the current security environment. Evaluations by the federal government have revealed that ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) are “almost equal in speed and reliability” and “virtually undetectable.” ICBMs, on the other hand, are vulnerable, sitting-duck targets that practically invite a massive attack on US soil by adversaries. Heavy bombers can be recalled if necessary; ICBMs, however, cannot be stopped or recalled once launched. ICBMs are a poor option against adversaries other than Russia, given that targeting China or North Korea would require the missiles to overfly Russia. The president could enhance the efficiency of the US nuclear arsenal by removing ICBMs entirely and increasing investment in ballistic missile submarines and heavy bombers.

Recommended course of action

I recommend Option 3 at this time. Reviews by military officials and experts support a reduction in the number of deployed ICBMs. The Sentinel program’s cost and schedule challenges have become untenable and unacceptable for US taxpayers, particularly for a program that is not necessary for national security. We must prioritize government efficiency by slashing wasteful spending, streamlining modernization programs, and not allowing the legislative branch alone to dictate the US nuclear posture. This can best be achieved by reducing ICBM numbers and life-extending the current missile force. Option 1 would further delay ICBM modernization and would not guarantee lower costs. Option 4 is likely politically infeasible at this time and would incur significant costs and logistical requirements to dismantle the entire ICBM infrastructure and warheads.

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  • Ms. Knight, I worked in the Aerospace electronics industry as a designer and manager longer than you have breathed. I have first hand experience with the issues related to extension of the Minuteman Missile electronics.

    Extending the life of the existing minuteman arsenal is NOT an option. Those quoted costs are over 13 years old and from what I am aware of the costing done back then, it was a ROM cost (Rough Order of Magnitude). It was not a final program bid. Add bidding uncertainty and inflation and the costs above are far, far lower the real cost to keep the existing systems. Personally, based on what I know of some of the electronics in question, that cost to re-qualify was a WAG (Wild A$$ Guess), not even a ROM.

    There is no viable means to re-qualify most of the existing missile electronics hardware to original requirements. This means that much hardware would have to be replaced. I know this for fact as I was asked about the possibility of re-qualifying some of that electronics circa 2011. It was not possible to re-qualify to existing requirements. No one seriously wants to degrade the quality of a nuclear capable missile, do they?

    Replacing most aged and degraded parts is not an option as there is no source for replacement of "form-fit-function" parts; existing electronics designs are therefor useless for re-manufacturing. Massive redesign of 50+ year old hardware is going to be needed. And that is just for the missile; what of ground equipment that has seen a very harsh environment in silos for 50+ years.

    Original part and equipment manufacturers like Westinghouse's Molecular Electronics Division (IC's and transistors), North American Aviation's Autonetics (guidance hardware), Motorola (which no longer makes military semiconductors), and many other companies or divisions of companies (like Texas Instruments) that made program parts no longer exist. A vast majority of the required parts for rebuilds and re-qualification of existing designs are the definition of Unobtanium.

    Re-working hardware, even well designed and built military grade hardware like that used in the Minuteman program is not possible without at least some of the original parts and design analyses. Re-creating that data and the necessary parts and capital test equipment are close to impossible.

    Even if the re-build efforts could be funded and the parts and designs recreated, they would have very little use outside the program (like thru-hole axial lead parts and very, very unique connectors). No modern manufacturer can afford to start new production lines for vintage parts that do not have commercial sales to justify the capital investments in the required production and test hardware.

    So, no, option 3 is NOT an option.

    • Adding a question about whether relying too much on nuclear siloed submarine or heavy bombers are a reasonable alternative. I think having options is more of the point, when you put all your eggs in one basket it makes your enemies job easier to cripple you.

      By the way, Northrop Grumman has also been developing the next generation stealth bomber, but just my 2 cents, maintaining a land based silo (not sure about the ICBM themselves) has to be simpler and less expensive than relying too much on heavy bombers or submarines, a submarine is practically a silo underwater. They all have strengths and weaknesses.

      But it's too bad that, these days, no matter the industry, costs are way too high for what you get out of it. Name something and I bet it's over priced. Our capability of doing things is subdued because we can't price things right. Why is that? I mean, it seems we as a nation should be capable of building a few missiles, while also providing an education and healthcare at a reasonable cost, social security should not run out and at least be able to cover basic living costs, but some how.... Nobody can seem to balance a budget anymore. And the solution is always cut this and that, and the effect always seems to push the costs of everything else even higher.

      It's like there won't be satisfaction until nobody has a job and nothing functions anymore. Just waiting to hit our absolute bottom.