A daily roundup of quality nuclear policy news.
North Korea
North Korea wins Olympics trip, but discord remains over nuclear weapons
Trump and North Korea: the perils of a pre-emptive strike
North Korea likely preparing for new rocket engine test at Sohae
How the Olympics could help defuse the North Korea crisis
BPR Interviews: Siegfried Hecker
Nuclear buttons to peace in a few days? Korea talks are significant but not foolproof
North Korea talks: We’ve been here before and it doesn’t end well
The intelligence community is not solely to blame for North Korea
United States
Federal nuclear watchdog agency publishes government shutdown plan
With nuclear codes in hands, why doesn’t the president get a thorough mental check?
Program goes mobile to detect dirty bomb fallout
EU, Iranian ministers say preserving nuclear deal on agenda at meeting this week
Burns/Sullivan: The Iranian protests are an opportunity for Trump — just not the one he wants
Unrest shows the Iran nuclear deal’s value, not its danger
Separation of powers objections to the Iran nuclear agreement
European nuclear deterrence in the era of Putin and Trump
Pope Francis calls for ban on nuclear weapons
Key Indian nuclear submarine damaged
Pakistan’s evolving nuclear doctrine
Recent developments in advanced reactors in China, Russia
Russia never recovered 4 ‘nuclear torpedoes’ from a dead submarine
Top Russian nuclear weapons designer Avrorin dies at 85
General Interest
Millennials need new movies about nuclear war, a ninth-grader says
Nuclear arms: Look ahead to 2018 in hope, not back at 2017 in anger
An ounce of prevention…is worth a kiloton of cure
Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup atbrodnica67@gmail.com.
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