Special Issue: Conservatives and Republicans for climate action

By | March 6, 2019

The March/April issue is available!

Polls make it clear that the American public as a whole, including a majority of Republicans, accepts the science of climate change. Still, congressional Republicans aren’t eager to agree. In the March magazine, the Bulletin talks with Republicans and conservative Christians who do support climate action about how they reconcile their politics with the scientific reality of climate change.

SPECIAL ISSUE:  Conservatives and Republicans for climate action

Introduction: Climate change action—from the right
John Mecklin

Christie Whitman on Republicans and climate change
John Mecklin

James Brainard: A Republican mayor for city-level climate action
Elisabeth Eaves

Evangelicals for climate action
Dawn Stover

Other features

The inhumanity of nuclear deterrence
James E. Doyle

Nuclear Notebook

Russian nuclear forces, 2019
Hans M. Kristensen and Matt Korda

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