The authoritative guide to ensuring science and technology make life on Earth better, not worse.


The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is the nonprofit behind the iconic Doomsday Clock and its trademarks and copyrights. 

e want to see our articles and supporting materials disseminated for educational purposes and to bring awareness to the Bulletin’s mission. We ask that this be done with permission, proper citation, and cooperation. The Bulletin has spent considerable time, effort and resources developing goodwill for, and global awareness of its mission. We ask that you respect this and request permission for usage of our mateiral. 

Protected trademarks include the (a) Doomsday Clock name, design and logo (b) Bulletin of Atomic Scientists name, design and logo, and (c) taglines such as “IT IS 90 SECONDS TO MIDNIGHT” and “IT IS X MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT.”  

US law requires that a trademark owner protect its rights. This allows our global followers to continue to trust our findings and analyses. We therefore request that you reach out to the Bulletin before making any use of the Bulletin’s name, trademarks, or other intellectual property.

Proper citation might be: "Used with permission of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists."

Educational, not-for-profit, and academic outlets
The Bulletin encourages the personal and non-commercial use of its articles and supporting materials, including for educational and academic purposes, such as in academic press publications, college courses or other school settings, or organizational announcements, with the Bulletin’s prior written permission and proper attribution. Permission to use the Bulletin’s materials can be obtained by emailing [email protected].

In most instances, educational and academic uses will be granted free of charge, so long as it does not create brand confusion. 

This includes: Inclusion in an academic press publication, use in a college course or other school setting, and organizational announcements, assuming proper citation. 

For-profit educational and academic outlets
For-profit educational and academic endeavors, such as books with major presses or print runs over 1500, also require permission, proper citation and a modest licensing fee. These for-profit endeavors include, but are not limited to documentaries, magazines, exhibits, and comic books. 

Other outlets
The Bulletin will aggressively defend unauthorized use of its copyrights and trademarks, including images of the Doomsday Clock and related material. The Bulletin cannot permit use that creates brand confusion, competes with our search engine optimization (SEO) strategy or appears as an endorsement. Such uses include but are not limited to: T-shirt sales, podcasts, board games, commercial publishing (books and comic books), mobile applications, prints, posters and other unauthorized uses of our name. Websites that sell our images or branding, or sell them on products, are also unauthorized.  

The Bulletin currently sells authorized products through its own store on 


You should assume that everything you see or read on the Website is copyrighted unless otherwise noted and may not be used without express, written permission of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. The Bulletin neither warrants nor represents that your use of materials displayed on the Website will not infringe rights of third parties not owned by or affiliated with the Bulletin. Images, photographs, or illustrations displayed on the Website are either the property of, or used with permission by, the Bulletin. The use of these materials by you, or anyone else authorized by you, is prohibited unless specifically permitted by these Terms and Conditions. Any unauthorized use of the images may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes. Violation of these laws may subject you to prosecution under penalty of law. The following are expressly prohibited by law: any reproduction in any media except as licensed; any theatrical, televised, or public display or performance, including unlicensed transmission of any material over a computer network; the preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction in whole or in part of any material without the permission of the copyright holder.