Geoengineering: worth the risk?

By | April 3, 2019

Is geoengineering worth the risk?

The Bulletin‘s Dawn Stover and Durwood Zaelke, president of the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development, have kicked off a conversation about whether “soft” geoengineering is at least part of the solution to a rapidly warming planet. Find out what Stover, Zaelke, and other experts have to say, and then tell us what you think.

Have an opinion on geoengineering? Share it with us by commenting directly on the pages of the articles below. We’d love to hear from you–join the conversation on geoengineering:

Could geoengineering save the Arctic’s moderating role on global warming?
Durwood Zaelke

“Silver buckshot” isn’t enough to fix the climate
Dawn Stover

The trouble with geoengineers hacking the planet
Science and Security Board member Raymond Pierrehumbert

Why carbon capture is no panacea
Andy Skuce

Is stratospheric geoengineering worth the risk?
Seth Baum

Climate report understates threat
Mario Molina, Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Durwood Zaelke

Subscription Magazine:

How to decarbonize? Look to Sweden 
Science and Security Board member Raymond Pierrehumbert. Free-access in the subscription magazine

Cloud control: Climatologist Alan Robock on the effects of geoengineering and nuclear war
Vol. 71, Issue 3, 2015. Subscription required.

Special focus on climate engineering
Vol. 70, Issue 3, 2014. Subscription required

Not a subscriber? See what you are missing–visit our magazine page


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