From the Climate Desk

By | June 12, 2019

The best from the Climate Desk

Last October, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists joined the Climate Desk, a consortium of the most respected media outlets dedicated to exploring the impact of a changing climate.

Check out these recent Climate Desk articles published at the Bulletin. They’re all part of an effort by climate scientists to fact-check a surge of climate misinformation, from President Trump’s claim that the US “has among the cleanest climates” to the “imminent mini ice age” myth.

Disinformation and fake news stand in the way of the public’s ability to demand urgent action. Our Climate Desk coverage, combined with the Bulletin‘s own original reporting, brings clarity to the confusion. Read on for what you need to know. 

Climate Desk Coverage

Fact check: The US has “among the cleanest climates there are”
Fiona Harvey

Little Ice Age? No. Big Warming Age? Yes.
Dana Nuccitelli

Military vs windfarms: “Nothing but pure politics”
Eric Niiler

How the media can stop failing on climate change
Emily Holden

Financial system could be destabilized by climate change 
Carl Meyer

More Bulletin Coverage

Fox News made the US a hotbed of climate denial. Kids are the cure.
Dana Nuccitelli

The Trump administration’s attack on climate science goes full-Orwell
John Mecklin

A short-lived White House climate “victory”
Dawn Stover

The art of talking about climate change without using the term
Matt Field

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