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Debating the UN nuclear weapons ban

By | July 12, 2017

To the founders of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1945, the idea of a global ban on nuclear weapons would have been cause for celebration. So what should we make of the treaty that was adopted at the United Nations on Friday? Here’s what you need to know:

On the prohibition of nuclear weapons treaty
Kennette Benedict

The nuclear ban treaty: A missed US opportunity that can be redeemed in September
Lawrence J. Korb

After the nuclear weapons ban treaty: A new disarmament politics
Zia Mian

The nuclear weapons ban treaty: Opportunities lost
Scott Sagan, Benjamin A. Valentino

A controversial ban and the long game to delegitimize nuclear weapons
Sharon Squassoni

Celebration as UN adopts historic nuclear weapons ban
All Ban Brief posts
Ray Acheson and Timothy Wright

Additional Reading

Bunkers for the 0.003 percent
An interview with Garrett M. Graff
Elisabeth Eaves


Nuclear Notebook interactive

Indian nuclear forces, 2017

There’s more ban analysis and discussion we’re posting over the next week, and if you haven’t seen the July/August issue of the digital journal, “After midnight,” read it now.



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