Search results for nuclear terrorism

2012 Nuclear Security Summit: What it was and wasn’t

This week, world leaders descended on Seoul, South Korea, for the second global Nuclear Security Summit -- a project that started with President Obama's call to secure all vulnerable nuclear material in four years (by the end of 2013). Unfortunately, most of these world leaders did not storm the gates of the summit ready to fight for that deadline. Many walked into a meeting already overshadowed by various domestic agendas and geopolitics, putting a damper on the real purpose of the gathering.

Nuclear Roundup: 5/15/2018

A daily roundup of quality nuclear policy news. Iran Iranian Foreign Minister visits Russia and China to try to save nuclear deal With few options, Iran, Europe try to save nuclear deal EU tells Iran it will try to protect firms from US sanctions We have no Iran policy By ending the Iran deal, Trump … Continued

Nuclear Roundup: 4/27/2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world. Iran Nuclear Deal Tangled in Obama’s Iran nuclear trap What the North Korea crisis says about the Iranian nuclear deal Scuttle the Iran Nuke Deal? That Approach Didn’t Stop North Korea United States Two to Tango with Nuclear Weapons Here’s what … Continued

Nuclear Roundup: 10/05/16

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world. Iran Nuclear Deal Kaine: IDF chief agrees Iran deal stopped nuclear program United States NNSA Head: ‘All Bets Are Off’ for Warhead Modernization Under Sequestration Meet a Machine: RPMs keep watch 24/7 to strengthen global nuclear security South Carolina Nuclear Fuel … Continued

Nuclear Roundup: 4/7/2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world. Iran Nuclear Deal Subcommittee Weighs Iran’s Nuclear Threat House Hearing: ASSESSING THE IRAN DEAL United States Senate Hearing: United States Southern Command and United States Northern Command Future of DOE heavy water supply still uncertain International Tillerson to Chair UN Meeting … Continued

Nuclear Roundup: 4/6/2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world. United States Trump picks Bush veteran to be Rick Perry’s deputy Detecting Nuclear Threats, Rogue Ships and Bad Actors A Chinese-owned Westinghouse? Washington is worried Breakthrough Next-Gen NIF Optics Boost Energy and Limit Damage International The North Korean nuclear threat keeps … Continued

Nuclear Roundup: 10/10/16

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world. Iran Nuclear Deal Small failures in JCPOA implementation can create big issues: IAEA chief United States Wayne Brasure Nominated as Full-Time Domestic Nuclear Detection Office Chief at DHS A recipe for wasteful spending: South Carolina Pork with Russian Dressing Demolition of … Continued

When meetings aren’t enough

Holding another Nuclear Security Summit is a good idea, but leaders must go further.

Nuclear Roundup: 3/24/2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world. Iran Nuclear Deal Senators agree on Iran sanctions measure United States Ernest J. Moniz Named New CEO of NTI MOX contractor pens response to NNSA criticism Letter: Directing money to defense spending unwise Battle against Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump is … Continued

A terribly interesting year in nuclear weapons

The year now concluding was full of interesting and unpredictable news regarding nuclear weapons and their accoutrements; the year was, therefore, also continuously, enormously threatening to humanity.  

Looking for answers

Tens of thousands of people came to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ website over the last week, looking for answers on what a new Trump administration means for the health and safety of our planet. As Bulletin editor John Mecklin writes, Donald Trump’s positions on serious questions have often ricocheted from side to side: … Continued

Vote for America

It's 3 minutes to midnight, and in America it’s time to vote. Here's what you need to know about the challenges the next president will confront. The stakes couldn't be higher. The Experts Comment: What Should Journalists (And Other Citizens) Ask The US Presidential Candidates About Nuclear Weapons The September/October subscription journal: A mix of … Continued

The Black Sea: Center of the nuclear black market

The Black Sea region is one of the world's critical crossroads, a strategic intersection of east -- west and north -- south corridors that enable the free flow of people, ideas, and goods from Asia to Europe and from former Soviet territory to the Middle East and Africa. It is also the center of the world's nuclear black market.

Nuclear Roundup: 7/19/2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world. North Korea Moon Seeks 2020 Deal for Peace with Nuclear-Free North Korea South Korea’s President May Be Just the Man to Solve the North Korea Crisis A Template for Peace United States House bill keeps DOE Office of Science spending flat, … Continued

Sam Nunn on the Nuclear Security Index and slowing progress on safeguarding nuclear materials

Former US Senator Sam Nunn, co-architect of the Nunn-Lugar Act, talks to the Bulletin about his organization’s new Nuclear Security Index and the upcoming Nuclear Security Summit.

A Presidential Policy Directive for a new nuclear path

The implementation of President Obama's Nuclear Posture Review is now occurring, out of public view but with potentially enormous implications, depending on the outcome. The Nuclear Posture Review was mandated by Congress to establish US nuclear policy, strategy, capabilities and forces for the next five to 10 years. In theory, it was intended to further President Obama's Prague agenda of reducing nuclear dangers and to work toward a world without nuclear weapons, but with global security.
Visitors check out an infinity chamber at the "Futurium" in Berlin, a venue where significant national and international developments in scientific, technical and social research are to be presented and discussed among the government, the scientific community, industry, and society. (Photo credit: JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP via Getty Images)

Introduction: An innovative and determined future for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

In this issue—which marks the start of the 75th year of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists—respected strategic thinkers of this era explain where the Bulletin and its readers should focus their attention in coming decades. The issue also contains noteworthy pieces from the Bulletin archives, including work by Einstein, Oppenheimer, Gorbachev, Nixon, and Kennedy.

Nuclear Roundup: 10/16/2017

A daily roundup of quality nuclear policy news. North Korea Diplomacy with North Korea will continue ‘until the first bomb drops,’ Tillerson says A Secretive NYC Backchannel May Be the Best Hope For Avoiding War With North Korea It’s Too Late to Stop North Korea As a Nuclear State — But Here’s What We Can … Continued

Nuclear Roundup: 5/8/2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world. Iran Nuclear Deal Iran’s presidential candidates vow to uphold nuclear deal in televised debate House oversight panel to investigate Iran deal Editorial: Cleaning up the sordid Iran nuke deal mess CONSUL GENERAL DAYAN: NUCLEAR DEAL IS BAD, BUT IRAN COMPLYING IS … Continued