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Bulletin announces $1,000 Leonard M. Rieser Award for young authors

By | February 18, 2015

Bulletin Media Contact: Janice Sinclaire, [email protected]

CHICAGO –February 6, 2015 – The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has announced the creation of an annual $1,000 Leonard M. Rieser Award for the strongest submission to its Voices of Tomorrow program, which showcases articles and multi-media presentations produced by a rising generation of scientists and policy leaders.

“This new award will help us encourage younger authors who write with substance and style, connecting science and public policy issues to address nuclear weapons proliferation, climate change escalation, and other emerging threats,” said editor John Mecklin. “Beginning in late 2015, editors and members of our Science and Security Board will select the year’s strongest Voices of Tomorrow submission. The winning author will receive the Leonard M. Rieser Award, which includes editorial consultations, a check for $1,000, and travel and accommodation expenses to attend the organization’s annual Doomsday Clock Symposium.

The award was named for Leonard M. Rieser (1922-1998), who was a professor of physics and provost at Dartmouth College and chair of the Bulletin’s board of directors from 1984 to 1998. A veteran of the Manhattan Project, Rieser became a highly respected educator and champion of young people and their efforts to build a more peaceful and sustainable world.

Additional information is available here

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