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Nuclear Roundup: 11/14/16

By Jodi Lieberman | November 14, 2016

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

Iran Nuclear Deal

America Still Has Iran Sanctions—And They're Hurting the Nuclear Deal

EU Ministers Reaffirm Iran Deal, Seek More Regional Security

Can Trump kill Iran nuclear deal just by walking away? Yes, say U.S. officials.

Making the Iran Nuclear Deal Great Again

The Iranian nuclear deal is not a bilateral agreement between U.S. and Iran: EU's Federica Mogherini

The Latest: EU ministers back Iran nuke deal Trump dislikes

Nuclear Weapons Expert: White House May Have Sandbagged Controversial Iran Deal Report

Iran Breaches Nuclear Deal – Again. What's Next?

Iran warns it will not accept changes to nuclear deal

United States

Avoiding nuclear headaches

Trump denies campaign trail comments on nuclear weapons

Who could stop nuclear war in the Trump era? These scientists

What a Trump Presidency Means for Nuclear Stocks

An open letter to President-elect Trump about nuclear weapons and nuclear winter

National park at Hanford turns 1 year old; new super visits

DARPA tests SIGMA programme for real-time radiation detection


Russia's RS-28 Sarmat Nuclear Missile Could Wipe Out an Area the Size of France (But Is it Overkill?)

Russia's Typhoon-Class Submarines Had Enough Nuclear Firepower to Kill Entire Countries

NSG still a far cry for India as China insists on NPT linkage

North Korea a top foreign policy priority for Trump

Japanese nuclear plant holds tsunami & meltdown drills

Exclusive: Inside Chernobyl's Radioactive Ruins

General Interest

In 1968, A US Nuclear Submarine Went On a Russia Super Secret Spy Mission (And It Never Came Back)

How Russia Lost a Lethal Nuclear Submarine (And Never Recovered the Nuclear Weapons Onboard)

Submarines: Keepers of the Nuclear Apocalypse

Hunting submarines with magnets

You make me want to nuke: The nuclear option may be the best environmental option too.

Santa Fe Nuclear Weapons Summit Dec. 4-6

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected]

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