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Nuclear Roundup: 12/05/16

By Jodi Lieberman | December 5, 2016

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

Iran Nuclear Deal

Iran says US threatens nuclear deal, warns of 'strong reaction'

China warns US over breaking Iran nuclear deal

Netanyahu to speak to Trump about West’s ‘bad’ nuclear deal with Iran

United States

United States Commits to IAEA Monitoring for the Verifiable Disposition of Six Metric Tons of Surplus Plutonium

James Mattis warned that land-based nuclear missiles pose false alarm danger

Nuclear waste at SRS has to go

America's missileers stand ready to launch nuclear weapons — and pray they won't have to


'What kind of odds are you comfortable with?': The North Korean nuclear threat is looming larger

China flew nuclear-capable bombers around Taiwan before Trump call with Taiwanese president

The fate of nuclear power in Vietnam

How the US is sponsoring India’s nuclear power revolution

NRA blasts Tokai nuclear facility ahead of dismantling plan

This Russian Nuclear Submarine Has a Very Special Mission: Kill American Aircraft Carriers

Russia has taunted Europe with nuclear-capable missiles before — but this time is different

Ministers at IAEA Conference Commit to Further Strengthening Nuclear Security

IAEA Director General's Speech at International Conference on Nuclear Security: Commitments and Actions

Tsunamis threaten Britain’s nuclear power plants, scientists warn

General Interest

The Third Reich’s nuclear programme: Churchill’s greatest wartime fear

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected]

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