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Nuclear Roundup: 12/16/16

By Jodi Lieberman | December 16, 2016

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

Iran Nuclear Deal

U.N. nuclear watchdog chief to visit Iran on Sunday

Iran sanctions extended, but without Obama’s signature

United States

The Conservative Case for Nuclear Energy

Donald Trump’s energy program needs a middle ground — nuclear power

Trump, nuclear weapon realist, can correct Obama’s idealistic blunders

Trump Should Change U.S. Policy on Nuclear Weapons

The Air Force Is Hopeful on Trump’s Nuclear-Weapons Plan

Feds: No ‘show-stoppers’ found in nuke readiness review

$2.6B Contract Awarded for Sandia National Labs Management

Spent nuclear fuel dropped in Savannah River Site’s L Basin


Russia to ‘expand mobile nuclear missile patrols’ near European borders to respond to Nato ‘threats’ in 2017

Assessing the ban treaty from Ukraine

Commentary: The future of nuclear security in Southeast Asia

China should seek nuclear stability, not disarmament utopia

First to use or not to use first: A curious case of Indian nuclear doctrine

The Indo-Japanese nuclear deal

UN: Threat of a hacking attack on nuclear plants is growing

Security Council underlines need to halt proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

General Interest

Reflections on the IAEA Nuclear Security Conference: More Participants, Less Focus

If nuclear war broke out where’s the safest place on Earth?

Economist Found a Higher Calling: Saving the World From Nuclear War

Toward safer, long-life nuclear reactors—metal design could raise radiation resistance by 100 times

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected]

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