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Nuclear Roundup: 4/11/2017

By Jodi Lieberman | April 11, 2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

Iran Nuclear Deal

Some Democrats Growing Impatient Over Delays on Iran Sanctions

United States

What is stopping Trump pushing the nuclear trigger

Trump can start a nuclear war any time he wants

Without Deterrence, America Can’t Confront Nuclear Mavericks

Carter: Nuclear Deterrence: Still the Bedrock of US Security

A Bankruptcy of Nuclear Proportions

Managing Nuclear Worker Fatigue

Nuclear Regulatory Commission to host MOX review open-house

Helicopters to Check Radiation Levels Over Boston Marathon Route Tuesday

WIPP receives first shipment in 3 years


North Korea: Trump’s airstrikes in Syria justify its nuclear weapons program

North Korea state media warns of nuclear strike if provoked as US warships approach

Trump wants plan to destroy nukes

Trump’s Options for North Korea Include Placing Nukes in South Korea

5 ways the North Korea situation could spiral out of control

One Nuclear Security Analyst On Why The U.S. Should Resume North Korea Talks

How does US military power stack up against North Korea, China and Russia?

Australia part of global web to monitor North Korea’s nuclear ambition

Iran foresees sharp rise in uranium production

If a War Between Russia and America Went Down: 5 Deadly Weapons Moscow Would Use

General Interest

Nuclear Power’s Original Mistake: Trying to Domesticate the Bomb

Nuclear power is set to get a lot safer (and cheaper) – here’s why

Veteran Diplomat Pessimistic on Arms Control

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected].

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