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Nuclear Roundup: 4/17/2017

By Jodi Lieberman | April 17, 2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

United States

Here’s how Trump launches a nuclear weapon

NNSA, Air Force complete first B61-12 Life Extension Program qualification flight test at Tonopah Test Range

How do you lead a government agency you once said should be abolished?

Dawn of the nuclear age

The bunker-busting nuclear bomb that almost was

How Weapons of Mass Destruction Became ‘Red Lines’ for America

Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Who Is Kristine Svinicki?


North Korean Missile Launch Fails, and a Show of Strength Fizzles

N. Korea didn’t test a nuclear weapon, but it did try to launch another missile

North Korea shows off its weapons technology

Trump administration warns North Korea over nuclear program

Take a 3D tour of North Korea’s nuclear test site, thanks to open source intelligence

North Korea Missile Launches, Nuclear Detonations: Timeline

McCain doubts claims US sabotaged North Korea’s nuclear test

What Would Happen if North Korea Fired Off a Nuclear Weapon?

North Korea’s push over the years to become a nuclear power

Russia to Develop Nuclear Round for T-14 Main Battle Tank

The World’s Most Mysterious Nuclear Weapons Program (And Its Not North Korea)

Indian Nuclear Weapons Are Much More Than Mere Weapons Of Devastation

Nuclear disarmament — the goal that was!

President Trump, will you remove US nuclear weapons from Turkey?

NGOs shine at anti-nuclear weapon U.N. conference in New York

President Trump’s Loose Talk on North Korea

A ‘Cuban Missile Crisis in Slow Motion’ in North Korea

Pence Warns North Korea, but He Also Doesn’t Rule Out Talks

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected].

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