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Register Now for Our Teleconference with Henry Sokolski on “Our Not So Peaceful Nuclear Future”

By | August 25, 2015


Media contact: Janice Sinclaire [email protected]

Register now for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ teleconference event on September 17, 2015, with arms control expert Henry Sokolski of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center. This open-to-the-public teleconference will take place at 2 p.m. EDT.

The intense debate over the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) recently negotiated between the P5+1 and Iran, and the international focus on Iran and North Korea, mask a larger danger in the nuclear arena: A range of countries are considering new theories on nuclear strategy, including those  that rely on “limited” nuclear strikes.

Join our conversation with Mr. Sokolski as we discusses his recent book, “Underestimated: Our Not So Peaceful Nuclear Future,” the different schools of thought within the nuclear arms debate, and how to keep up with the changing nuclear landscape. Participation is limited and is sure to fill quickly. This conversation will be recorded and available on our website shortly after the call. If you are not a subscriber to our emails and would like to be, register here.

Henry Sokolski is the Executive Director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center (NPEC), and an adjunct professor at the Institute of World Politics in Washington, D.C. He previously served in the Pentagon (1989-1993) as Deputy for Nonproliferation Policy and received a medal for outstanding public service from Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney. He also worked in the Office of the Secretary of Defense's Office of Net Assessment, as a consultant to the National Intelligence Council, and as a member of the Central Intelligence Agency's Senior Advisory Group.


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