The authoritative guide to ensuring science and technology make life on Earth better, not worse.

Journalism that drives action

Your support powers change

The world faces unprecedented challenges. You can help create solutions.

For nearly 80 years, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has been the voice of scientific responsibility, informing the public about existential threats. Today, we face critical issues in nuclear risk, climate change, and disruptive technologies, in areas such as bioscience and artificial intelligence. The iconic Doomsday Clock stands at 90 seconds to midnight, the closest it's ever been.


But there's hope. Your support directly powers our mission:

✓ Delivering cutting-edge analysis on global security threats

✓ Providing science-based policy recommendations to world leaders

✓ Reaching a young, international audience with vital pathbreaking analysis

A man sits on the side of a fishing boat in a yellow jacket and hat. The ocean is behind him.
A Bulletin investigation supported by the Pulitzer Center featured this image of Jose Miranda Mancilla, president of the Pichi Pelluco Cove Union in Puerto Montt. The investigation examined the environmental hazards of farming fish in a warming world and Mancilla provided insight on the problems artisanal fishermen have with the salmon aquaculture industry.

Bridging science
and society

The Bulletin's expert team bridges the gap between complex scientific issues and public understanding. Our work:

  • Shapes coverage in major media outlets worldwide
  • Delivers groundbreaking investigative features
  • Reaches audiences around the world, with nearly half under the age of 35
  • Convenes key stakeholders to find solutions through high-impact events

Your impact is immediate and lasting

Every donation fuels our mission to reduce global risks. Your support helps us:

  • Deliver our twice-weekly news roundup to audiences worldwide
  • Amplify expert analysis on nuclear risk and other global threats
  • Organize public events on critical issues
A woman sits at a wooden table alongside other biosecurity and virology experts.
Fillipa Lentzos, a co-director of the Bulletin’s Independent Task Force on Research with Pandemic Risks, attends the release of the task force’s report, A Framework for Tomorrow’s Pathogen Research, at the United Nations Headquarters on February 28, 2024. (Photo: Darren Ornitz)

Join us in creating a safer world

By donating, you're joining a global community working to address existential threats.

Your gift to our independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization is tax-deductible.


Alternative giving methods:

✓ Qualified charitable distributions from IRAs for donors aged 70½ or older
✓ Donations through donor-advised funds
✓ Gifts of appreciated securities

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