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Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: Call for submissions for Voices of Tomorrow

By | November 7, 2013

In 2013, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists will launch “Voices of Tomorrow,” which will feature a monthly essay, op-ed article, or multimedia presentation written or produced by a high school student, college undergraduate, or graduate student. The topic must address some aspect of at least one of the Bulletin’s core issues of nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, climate change, biosecurity, or emerging technologies.

Call for submissions!

In June 2013, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists launched "Voices of Tomorrow," which features a monthly essay, op-ed article, or multimedia presentation written or produced by a high school student, college undergraduate, or graduate student. The topic must address some aspect of at least one of the Bulletin's core issues of nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, climate change, biosecurity, or emerging technologies.

The mission of "Voices of Tomorrow" is to provide an outlet for young, educated, and committed authors who have an interest in the Bulletin's mission to move humanity toward a safer and more sustainable world. The published essays will expose the Bulletin's readers to the thoughts, goals, and opinions of future experts, policymakers, and opinion makers — shedding light on how they will meet the challenges ahead.

The Bulletin is now accepting submissions.

Submission process. Essays and op-ed articles should not be longer than 850 words; shorter is even better. Any multimedia presentation should not exceed 4 minutes. Any submissions that go over these specifications will not be considered.  Each entry must contain: author's email address, phone number, short biography, and school affiliation. Submissions should not have been previously published elsewhere. First call for submissions is 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 21, 2013; late submissions will not be accepted. Second call for submission will be 6 p.m. on Tuesday, December 10, 2013. The editor's decisions for the first round will be made by November 25, 2013, and the piece will be published in November. The second-round decision will be made on December 12, 2013, and the essay will be published in December. Only one (1) contribution will be accepted per author; authors who submit multiple projects or essays will not be considered. Those authors whose work was not accepted in the first round can submit original material in the second round.

Submissions should be sent to Ryan Huffman at: [email protected]. Only submissions directly sent to Ryan Huffman's address will be considered.

Selection process. The editors are looking for future leaders. We want to find fresh, creative, passionate and even provocative ideas, thoughts, and observations. The editors will choose one submission each month to be published on; this article will also be plugged through the Bulletin's social media channels. The writing and editing experience will introduce the authors to the world of publishing, as well as to the art of promotion — two skills necessary for their future professional development and success. That is, you will be edited by one of the Bulletin's editors and guided through the publishing process.

Award process. In December 2013, the Bulletin will ask its social media community to rate the year's published essays and videos. Once those votes are in, the Bulletin's editorial team will make the final decision and announce the 2013 Voice of Tomorrow. This winner will receive a free round-trip ticket to the Bulletin'sannual 2014 Doomsday Clock Symposium in Washington, DC, hotel accommodations, and a dinner in his/her honor with the Bulletin's publisher, the Bulletin's editor, and the chair of the Science and Security Board. The prize for the other essayists will be a five-year free subscription to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

About us. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists was established in 1945 by scientists, engineers, and other experts who had created the atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project. They knew about the horrible effects of these new weapons and devoted themselves to warning the public about the consequences of using them. Over the years, however, the Bulletin's mission has grown to educating the public on climate change, new developments in the life sciences, and emerging technologies that could inflict irrevocable harm.

The Bulletin has published the writings of Hans Bethe, Albert Einstein, Leo Szilard, Edward Teller, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Michael Polanyi, Mikhail Gorbachev, among hundreds of other notables. The Bulletin's Board of Sponsors features 18 Nobel laureates. Could you be the next? That's what we're waiting to discover!

In the meantime. Get involved with the Bulletin by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, and pinning us on Pinterest, and joining us on Instagram.

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