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Don’t let facts and reason take a holiday

By | December 12, 2016

Dear Friends:

Troubled times demand focused engagement, and the Bulletin needs yours. As a member of our growing Bulletin family, you are part of a worldwide community committed to creating a safer and healthier planet.

In a time of fake news and false equivalencies, the Bulletin serves as a trusted source of expertise and analysis, providing a refuge to those who continue to insist that facts and reasoned policy prescriptions matter. But we can’t do what is needed without your support.

The demand is growing. Last month we had 185,000 visitors on our website, a 65% percent increase over last November. Newsletter sign-ups have rocketed from an average of one a day at the beginning of this year to 50 a day today.

A new generation is joining our longstanding followers and looking to the Bulletin for answers. Half of the Bulletin’s fast growing community is younger than 35 and 50% comes from outside the United States. Just last week, a college student named Joshua wrote to me saying that he is "alarmed," that he started reading the Bulletin  in the last few weeks, and that he's looking for ways to get even more involved.
It costs money to deliver content, make accessible cutting-edge scientific research, and disseminate important findings. If you haven't done so already, please consider making a year-end gift to the Bulletin. If you have, we are truly grateful for your support.

The Bulletin needs you, the wider community needs you, and our planet needs you. It is that important.

Rachel Bronson
Executive Director and Publisher

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