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The Trump transition

By | December 20, 2016

The transition period for the incoming Donald Trump administration has generated a great deal of concern about apparent changes coming to the United States in just about every sphere of public policy. The absence of climate science experts, alternative energy executives, and seasoned nuclear negotiators in the new administration raises serious questions about how public policy and international agreements will be affected.

Read on for a special collection of Bulletin coverage about the transition.

What Jeff Sessions as attorney general will mean for the Iran Deal
Aaron Arnold

An Energy Department tale: Captain Perry and the great white whale
Robert Alvarez

In denial: Trump on both climate and intelligence
Dawn Stover

Trump’s plans for European missile defense a mystery

Rachel Oswald, supported by a grant from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting

Biodefense and the next presidency
Laura Kahn

What Trump means for global catastrophic risk
Seth Baum

A first look at a 21st century disarmament movement
John Carl Baker

Why the “nonproliferation complex” should help Donald Trump
Aleksandr S. Kolbin

Iran and the US elections: Observations from a trip to Iran

Payam Mohseni

The experts, and the Trump administration
Invited expert commentary by Frank von Hippel, Lawrence J. Korb, Alan Robock, Rob Socolow, Henry Sokolski, Sharon Squassoni,

What We’re Reading posts:

Scientists Frantically Copying Climate Data, Fearing It Might Vanish Under Trump
Dan Drollette Jr.

What did ExxonMobil know, and when did it know it?
Andrew Ivers

Don’t assume Trump is dumb. He knows exactly what he is doing
Dan Drollette Jr.

Why scientists are scared of Trump: A pocket guide
Dan Drollette Jr.

Eyes in the sky: Cutting NASA Earth observations would be a costly mistake

Dan Drollette Jr.

Can California defend us from Trump’s threat to the Paris Agreement?
Dan Drollette Jr.

More reading:

Donald Trump’s War on Science
Board of Sponsors Chair Lawrence Krauss in The New Yorker
Rick Perry is the Wrong Choice for Energy Secretary
Board of Sponsors Chair Lawrence Krauss in the New York Times

The Nuclear Roundup
Jodi Lieberman
Sign for an indispensable compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

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