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The Annual Report

By | May 9, 2017

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is pleased to announce the publication of its 2016 Annual Report. It reviews another strong year for the organization—a year in which the Bulletin received record-breaking readership and an unprecedented amount of attention in popular culture, ranging from coverage in the satiric outlet The Onion to having an entire episode of the hit television show Madam Secretary devoted to the significance of the Doomsday Clock. All of this was made possible because of the generous support the Bulletin receives from individuals, the philanthropic community, and our corporate sponsors.

Look through the report to see what was new for us in 2016: new platforms for engagement including new data visualizations, new partnerships, and new efforts to connect with younger audiences. As executive director and publisher Rachel Bronson writes in the Annual Report: “What you will see in the pages that follow is evidence of a vibrant organization that is actively rethinking its mandate in the 21st century, a time in which scientific and technological advancements are moving faster than ever.”

The 2016 report includes coverage and photographs from the Bulletin’s annual Clock Symposium and Dinner, which featured an exploration of nuclear power and its ability to provide carbon-free energy; keynote addresses by climate scientist and Science and Security Board member Richard Somerville; and the honoring of longtime climate activists Bill and Eleanor Revelle, with a moving tribute to the Revelles provided by former Vice President of the United States Al Gore.

And read the letter from editor John Mecklin, who pointed to another year of growth for readership on the website. As Mecklin writes: “These increases in readership and impact came as we continued to emphasize top experts and quality writing about the most pressing issue of our time—the preservation of humanity in the face of potentially catastrophic technological threats.”

The 24-page report was designed by Pentagram, the New York City-based design firm where former Governing Board member Michael Bierut is a principal. A list of foundation funders and donors concludes the report.

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Thank you! Make a gift to the 2017 Annual Fund for the Bulletin. To inquire about an IRA gift, gift of stock, or to discuss an estate or planned gift call our development officer at 773.834.2308 or email [email protected].

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