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By Bulletin Staff | August 29, 2018
Screening and discussion of The Atomic Cafe
Sunday, September 23, 2018
4:30pm: Reception
5:30pm: Film screening
7:00pm: Discussion with co-director Jayne Loader and the Bulletin’s Rachel Bronson
The Atomic Cafe brings dark humor to Armageddon with its artful culling of newsreel footage, government archives, and pop-culture artifacts into a collage on living in the Atomic Age. With fake news in ascendancy and the Doomsday Clock set at two minutes to midnight, it feels as important as ever. Originally released in 1982, this cult-classic has been digitally restored for a limited re-release.
Join the Bulletin and friends on September 23rd for a pre-show reception and a post-movie discussion about the making of the film, its relevance to today, and the power of integrating art and science to engage a broader audience. We look forward to seeing you there.
The Atomic Cafe is also showing at the Gene Siskel Film Center on Friday, September 21st at 6 pm and Wednesday, September 26th at 8 pm. The Film Center is located at 164 North State Street, Chicago (between Lake and Randolph).
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Also, it features footage of the Rosenbergs right before their execution. Around the 50th anniversary of their execution, their son Robert noted that the so called war on terrorism has replaced the Cold War.