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The Bulletin joins Climate Desk!

By | October 10, 2018

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is delighted to announce that it is joining the Climate Desk collaboration, which means we’ll be bringing a wider variety of the very best environmental writing to the Bulletin‘s audience.

Climate Desk is a consortium of the most respected media outlets “dedicated to exploring the impact—human, environmental, economic, political—of a changing climate.” We’ll be contributing articles and analysis to the partners of Climate Desk and bringing Bulletin readers stories from those same partners.

More outlets mean more coverage. Climate Desk partners are The Atlantic, Atlas Obscura, CityLab, Grist, The Guardian, High Country News, HuffPost, Medium, Mother Jones, National Observer, New Republic, Newsweek, Reveal, Slate, Undark, Wired and, now, the Bulletin.

Visit our climate page to see the very latest from the Bulletin on climate change, like this op/ed published yesterday by Nobel Laureate Mario Molina, Veerabhadran Ramanathanonand Durwood J. Zaelke, in which they argue that Monday’s startling IPCC report understates the threat.

And be sure to check out the first article that we’ve published from Climate Desk. Visit the Bulletin often for the latest evidence-based writing on climate change from our experts and from our Climate Desk partners.Together, we can create a safer and healthier planet.

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by Oliver Milman, environment reporter for The Guardian

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