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Watch the highlights from the Annual Dinner

By | November 16, 2018

The 2018 Annual Dinner and MeetingThe 2018 Annual Dinner and Meeting

The Bulletin is immensely grateful for the scientists, policymakers, artists, community leaders, board members, donors, and concerned citizens who made our 2018 Annual Dinner & Meeting a resounding success!


The Annual Dinner featured an all-star lineup, with inspiring words that brought the audience to their feet from Governor Jerry Brown, Rieser Award recipient Yangyang Cheng, and honoree Lee Francis.


A discussion with former Secretary of Defense and Bulletin Board of Sponsors chair William Perry, Ambassador Joseph Yun, and Bulletin president Rachel Bronson capped off a day of compelling discussions.


Watch the videos:


Thank you to our Annual Meeting speakers:
Chris Demchak • Steve Fetter • Daniel Holz • Bonnie Jenkins • Suzet McKinney • Ray Pierrehumbert • Ramamurti Rajaraman • Richard Somerville • Jon Wolfsthal


Guests also delighted in a virtual reality tour of the Doomsday Clock presented by Ellen Sandor and art(n) and music written for the Bulletin by Arielle Martinez-Cohen, a participant in the organization’s Next Generation program.


Carnegie Corporation of New York • Mary Patricia Dougherty • Jacob and Terese Hershey Foundation • Holthues Trust • John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation • Reed Smith LLP

Bob Arthur and Susan Anderson • William and Eleanor Revelle • Scorpio Rising Fund • Sisyphus Supporting Foundation • The University of Chicago, Harris Public Policy

The Crown Family • Lee Francis and Michelle Gittler

John and Carol Balkcom • Marjorie Craig Benton • Evelyn and Richard Bronson • John DeBlasio/GPD Charitable Trust • Steven Fadem and Laurie Baskin • Austin Hirsch and Beth Gomberg-Hirsch • Phil Kurschner • Debra Petrides Lyons • Steve Ramsey and Ann Jones • Lowell Sachnoff and Fay Clayton • Wintrust Commercial Banking

John and Carol Balkcom • Kendal and Kenneth Gladish • Candy Lee • Bill and Penny Obenshain

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