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Bulletin deputy editor Dan Drollette Jr. selected for Logan Science Journalism Program

By | March 25, 2021

The Bulletin congratulates deputy editor Dan Drollette Jr., who has been selected to participate in the Logan Science Journalism Program, a project of the University of Chicago and the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, MA.

The Logan Science Journalism Program at the MBL, founded in 1986, offers professional science journalists, writers, editors, and broadcast journalists a chance to immerse themselves in the process of basic biomedical and environmental research.

“I’m really honored and excited to be accepted to this program, where I and about a half-dozen other science journalists will spend 10 days in the lab, getting a first-hand sense of how DNA extraction, sequencing, copying with PCR, and comparing to public databases is done — as well as gene-editing with CRISPR,” Drollette Jr. said. “And as much as anything else, I’m looking forward to formal and informal discussions with scientists on everything ranging from the fundamentals of molecular biology to the culture and politics of science. Let the pipette-ing begin!”

As a biomedical fellow in the immersive program, Drollette Jr. will work with scientists at the MBL to collect, analyze, and interpret data. The main emphasis is on hands-on activities with two experimental foci: the human microbiome and gene editing using CRISPR-Cas9. The program culminates in a mini-symposium where fellows will interpret and present their data.

Meet the entire class of 2021 fellows here.

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