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Juan Manuel Santos: ‘[W]e will one day see the hands of the Doomsday Clock move backward’

By | May 29, 2023

On May 21, 2023, former president of Colombia and Nobel Peace Laureate Juan Manuel Santos spoke to the Notre Dame University class of 2023 in a compelling commencement address that called on students to be peacemakers and outlined the existential threats that factor into the Doomsday Clock.

“The end of the world might seem closer than ever. So, is it time to despair? Should we abandon hope?” Santos asked students and faculty. “No! By all means, no … When progress is based on exclusion, it is fragile and will ultimately disappear. However, when progress is based on inclusion, when we understand that everyone’s life is as valuable as our own, then that progress is lasting and real.

If we understand this, if we work together and are convinced that what happens to one happens to all the rest, we will one day see the hands of the Doomsday Clock move backward.

Watch his full speech above, or read it here.

Santos is an outspoken advocate in fighting climate change and prioritizes seeking peace and reconciliation through dialogue. As a member of The Elders, he joined the Bulletin in Washington D.C. for the 2023 Doomsday Clock announcement, where he spoke to Georgetown students during a panel discussion that included Bulletin president and CEO Rachel Bronson.

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