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Calder Walton

Calder Walton is assistant director of the Belfer Center’s Applied History Project and Intelligence Project at Harvard University. One of the world’s leading experts on the history of intelligence, national security, and geopolitics, his research and commentary about global security frequently appear in major news and broadcast outlets on both sides of the Atlantic. Calder’s latest book, Spies. The Epic Intelligence War between East and West (2023), is a best-selling exposé of the history of Russian intelligence. His work has been published and featured in Foreign AffairsForeign Policy, CNN, Time Magazine, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Sunday TimesPOLITICONewsweek, Prospect Magazine, the BBC, NPR, PBS, C-SPAN, FOX News, News Nation, and academic peer reviewed journals such as Intelligence & National Security and the Texas National Security Review. Calder is also general editor of the multi-volume Cambridge History of Espionage and Intelligence to be published by Cambridge University Press.