The Iranian quagmire: How to move forward

By Thomas R. Pickering | November 1, 2010

As the writers in this symposium illustrate, dealing with Iran’s
nuclear program is one of the most important foreign policy issues of the day.
Years of stalled talks, diplomatic dead-ends, and sanctions have made it
difficult to see exactly where progress has been made and what efforts are worth
pursuing. In this Global Forum, leading foreign policy experts weigh in from
around the world on the options for how to move forward with
Iran—from diplomacy to fuel swaps to military strikes. Whatever
their proposed solutions, the writers express one common theme: We ignore Iran
at our own peril. From the US, Thomas R. Pickering, Lawrence J. Korb (2010), and Bennett Ramberg (2010);
from Turkey, Mustafa
Kibaroglu (2010); from Iran, Kayhan Barzegar (2010); and from
Israel, Emily B. Landau
(2010). Over the months of November and December, this forum will
continue at

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