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Joan Winstein joins governing board

By | January 28, 2009

Joan Winstein, chief executive officer of Loan Strategies, Inc., has joined the governing board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, effective December 2008. She also consults for Financial Services Volunteer Corps, an arm of USAID that advises banks in developing countries to help them improve their lending outcomes.

Joan Winstein, chief executive officer of Loan Strategies, Inc., has joined the governing board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, effective December 2008. She also consults for Financial Services Volunteer Corps, an arm of USAID that advises banks in developing countries to help them improve their lending outcomes. Prior to establishing Loan Strategies, a bank consulting practice specializing in helping banks manage their credit positions and realize greater value from their loan portfolios, she was a vice president and credit officer for Midwest corporate banking relationships at First Chicago (now JP Morgan Chase) and a relationship manager for coal, gas, electric, and nuclear utility clients at Bank of America.

"I am thrilled that Joan Winstein has joined the board," says governing board chair Cathryn Cronin Cranston. "Her business expertise, creative approach to the future, and commitment to the issues add needed new dimensions to the Board's skill set."

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