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Open Now! Visit Turn Back the Clock at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago

By | May 26, 2017

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is delighted to announce the opening of a new exhibit showcasing the rich history of our organization at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. The exhibit, Turn Back the Clock, highlights the Bulletin and one of the most provocative and important symbols of the 20th century—the Doomsday Clock. Created in partnership with the Museum, Turn Back the Clock showcases the urgency of two major challenges facing our world today: nuclear weapons and climate change.

As guests explore Turn Back the Clock, they will learn about the significance of the Doomsday Clock and how it has evolved to include risks we face today. Through compelling personal stories, innovative interactive media, and pop culture artifacts, the exhibit takes guests through seven decades of history—from the dawn of the nuclear age to significant policy questions our leaders face today.

Guests will:

•    Interact with a digital representation of the Clock through time, offering a snapshot of the science, policy and culture at that moment.

•    Learn how the atomic age extended into pop culture, including inspiring comic book series, music, and films directed by Stanley Kubrick.

•    Walk through a visual, historic timeline of the nuclear age.

•    Learn how the existential threat of climate change has influenced the Clock since 2007, becoming more and more urgent as global leaders resist taking necessary action.

For the past seventy years, the Doomsday Clock has served as a clarion call to all of us—scientists, policy makers, artists and ordinary citizens—to get engaged and help build a safer and healthier planet. The aim of the exhibit is to raise awareness about the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, create greater understanding about nuclear risk and climate change, and motivate each of us to get involved.
Visit the Museum of Science and Industry to walk through this fascinating exploration of our scientific history and future. It won’t be the same without you.

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