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Rising experts at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

By | July 27, 2017

In a time of growing global risk, it is more important than ever that rising leaders share their research, find their voices, and test their arguments to create a safer, healthier planet. In our Voices of Tomorrow section, the Bulletin proudly publishes the work of rising experts immersed in the issues central to our core interests—nuclear threats, climate change, artificial intelligence, and biosecurity.

And we are connecting them to ever-expanding audiences; for example in the last few months, Teen Vogue has reposted Bulletin-published articles by two of our authors, Emma Bastian, a high school freshman from Dubuque, Iowa, and Yangyang Chen, a postdoctoral research associate at Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based Sciences and Education.

To read more from our authors or to learn more about how to submit an article to the Bulletin, check out the Next Generation Information Page.

North Korea and the ban treaty: two sides of the same coin
John B. Brake

Haves, haves-nots, and need-nots: The nuclear ban exposes hidden fault lines
Jennifer Knox

Has South Korea renounced “nuclear hedging?”
Lami Kim

The folly of a German Bomb
Rafael Loss

The ban treaty: A big nuclear-weapon-free zone?
Sebastian Brixey-Williams

New life for New START?
Ian Johnson, Joel Beckner, Heng Qin, and Nadezhda Smakhtina

Drone warfare: The death of precision
James Rogers

A march through time: Historical perspective on the March for Science
Ingrid Ockert

The case for banning autonomous weapons rests on morality, not practicality
Robert Hart

Voices of Tomorrow authors are eligible to receive the Bulletin‘s annual Leonard M. Rieser Award, a cornerstone of our Next Generation program. To donate to this valuable resource, visit our donor page and choose the “Next Generation” fund.

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