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Ben Mottelson, Copenhagen 1963 | Photo credit: GFHund | CC BY 3.0
Ben Mottelson, Copenhagen 1963 | Photo credit: GFHund | CC BY 3.0

Ben Mottelson

Ben Mottelson is a Danish nuclear physicist who won the 1975 Nobel Prize in Physics with Aage Neils Bohr and Leo Rainwater for their work in describing the structure of atomic nuclei.

He is a graduate of Purdue and Havard universities. He is also an award-winning physicist, having received the Atoms for Peace Award, the John Price Wertherill Medal, and the Smarian Smoluchowski Medal.

Mottelson has written multiple books and articles on nuclear topics such as Nuclear Structure, Volume I (1971), Nuclear Structure: Single-Particle Motion: 001 (1961), and Collective and Individual-Particles Aspects of Nuclear Structure (1953).