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Watch the 2025 Doomsday Clock announcement on January 28

The Doomsday Clock on Madam Secretary

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Bulletin Staff | May 25, 2016

The hit CBS television series, Madam Secretary, aired a special episode on Sunday, March 27th, that revolves around the Doomsday Clock and its influence on policy makers in Washington. The episode, titled “On the Clock,” is based on the premise that negotiations between India and Pakistan are not going well, prompting the Bulletin’s Science and Security Board to consider moving the Clock closer to midnight. The President asks Madam Secretary to intervene with the Science and Security Board, as he believes his administration can end the standoff between the two countries.

The show is certain to generate questions about the Bulletin and the Clock, so be sure to watch. Better yet, host a viewing party with people who are interested in the issues we cover. You can stream the full episode at any time by using the CBS All Access app.

To refresh yourself on the Clock’s purpose and storied history, read Doomsday Clockwork by the Bulletin’s senior advisor, Kennette Benedict. And be sure to read the Science and Security Board’s 2016 Doomsday Clock Statement to remind yourself of why the Clock is, in the words of graphic designer Michael Bierut, “the most powerful piece of information design in the 20th Century.”