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Más democracia y un sentido de límites

Las ideas que han surgido en esta mesa redonda para reducir los gases de efecto invernadero y responder a otros problemas medioambientales y a los relacionados con la equidad incluyen disminuir el consumo, desafiar los modelos predominantes de desarrollo, asegurar que la gobernanza se centre en la gente e impulsar las políticas energéticas nacionales hacia … Continued

Nuclear Notebook: How many nuclear weapons does Russia have in 2021?

Russia’s nuclear arsenal includes a stockpile of approximately 4,489 warheads. Of these, some 1,630 strategic warheads are deployed on ballistic missiles and at heavy bomber bases, while an additional 947 strategic warheads, along with 1,912 nonstrategic warheads, are held in reserve.

Hacia sociedades sostenibles y equitativas

Durante la última década visité varias veces las Maldivas, una nación de 26 atolones en el océano Índico, para ayudar al ministro de Medio Ambiente y Energía a hacer el seguimiento de la contaminación del aire. Sin embargo, me di cuenta de que sus habitantes están menos interesados en debatir sobre la contaminación del aire … Continued
map showing water-related conflicts over thousands of years

4,000 years of conflict over water: a timeline

Water can be a trigger of conflict, a casualty of conflict, or a weapon of conflict. In modern times, water-related conflicts are increasing.
politician facing cameras and microphones

On the New Hampshire campaign trail: What some candidates are saying about climate change. (Spoiler alert: It’s smart.)

Press gaggles, a guy who calls himself Vermin Supreme, bird-dogging, and hats with with the slogan “Make Earth Cool Again”—all part of a day on the hustings. But beyond all the surface hoopla of the New Hampshire presidential primary campaign, some of the candidates have actually put some thought into what to do about climate change.
soldiers marching in Red Square, Moscow

Nuclear Notebook: Russian nuclear weapons, 2023

Russia’s nuclear arsenal includes a stockpile of approximately 4,489 warheads with 1,674 strategic warheads deployed on ballistic missiles and at heavy bomber bases, while an approximate additional 999 strategic warheads—along with 1,816 nonstrategic warheads—are held in reserve. The Russian arsenal continues its broad modernization intended to replace most Soviet-era weapons by the late-2020s.