The authoritative guide to ensuring science and technology make life on Earth better, not worse.

Search results for Koch

Koch-funded climate denial at George Washington University must end now!

George Washington University divested from fossil fuels, but climate activists say the university must also be held accountable for operating an academic center that accepts fossil fuel funding and pushes a deregulatory agenda.

How the Koch brothers got us here

Whether through highly-coordinated attacks on federal tax credits or interventions in arcane state-level proceedings, or through public and covert efforts to spread disinformation, the beneficiaries of the Kochs’strategic funding are working to preserve the market demand for the refined petroleum products the Koch empire is selling.

Lewis Z. Koch

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Climate change and the Koch brothers walk into a bar

Why humor is a great genre for engaging the public with climate change. 

Gas, lighting, and the weaponization of climate solutions in the post-truth era

Texas’ Governor Abbott and others should have the guts to set the record straight instead of following the tired diatribes employed by Big Oil, the Koch Brothers, and the many special interests aligned with the fossil fuel industry in their decades-long disinformation campaign aimed at keeping Americans confused about climate change.

Google funds climate deniers

Publicly, it calls for climate action. Privately, Google contributes to some of the most notorious climate-deniers in Washington. (Incidentally, the company removed “Don’t be evil” from its code of conduct in April 2018.)

How one Oregon county plans to make big oil pay for the 2021 heat dome

A legal battle in the Pacific Northwest will test the ability of the American public to make fossil fuel companies pay for climate damages.
US nuclear submarine

Nuclear Notebook: United States nuclear weapons, 2023

At the beginning of 2023, the US Department of Defense maintained an estimated stockpile of approximately 3,708 nuclear warheads for delivery by ballistic missiles and aircraft. Most of the warheads in the stockpile are not deployed but rather stored for potential upload onto missiles and aircraft as necessary. We estimate that approximately 1,770 warheads are … Continued

How a deadly E. coli outbreak revealed Germany’s dysfunctional public health system

The plot just kept getting thicker. First, the culprit was cucumbers and tomatoes from Spain. Then it was bean sprouts from northern Germany. Then it wasn't.

Special report: Tilting toward windmills

A homespun Rhode Island destination gets an offshore wind farm—and, mostly, likes it. Will massive offshore wind parks follow, powering America’s Northeast?
Cardboard cutouts of Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg stood outside the US Capitol on April 10, 2018, placed there by the advocacy group Avaaz to call attention to fake accounts spreading disinformation on Facebook. Credit: Kevin Wolf/AP images for AVAAZ

Why Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are bad for the climate

Willingly or not, giant social-media platforms spread climate misinformation and undercut climate science.

Who’s in charge during the Ebola crisis?

What's gone wrong and what's going right in dealing with Ebola, in Africa and America
An after-picture of the Urakami Tenshudo (Catholic Church) in Nagasaki, which was destroyed in 1945 by the fission of about one kilogram of plutonium. Credit: Public domain image accessed via Wikimedia Commons.

Plutonium programs in East Asia and Idaho will challenge the Biden administration

The separation of plutonium by civilian reprocessing has far exceeded plutonium use in breeder and light-water reactor fuel with the result being a global stockpile of over 300 tons of civilian but weapon-usable plutonium. By the International Atomic Energy Agency’s metric, this is enough for almost 40,000 Nagasaki bombs.

Adults won’t take climate change seriously. So we, the youth, are forced to strike.

Youth demonstrations on climate change have spread around the world, inspired by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg's weekly school strikes. Ahead of a global day of action on March 15, the teen leaders of the US strike movement explain what they're fighting for, how adults have let them down, and why they can't wait any longer to act.

Why evolution should be taught in public schools

Understanding evolution is critical to confronting the twenty-first century's microbiological challenges. We need to educate the next generation of scientists to give them the tools to develop novel treatments against antibiotic resistant bacteria, emerging viruses, and other deadly microbes. They need to understand how these microbes develop and change, which requires an understanding of evolution.
Pugwash Logo

The postponement of the NPT review conference. Antagonisms, conflicts and nuclear risks after the pandemic

A Pugwash document concerning nuclear problems and tensions in the time of COVID-19. The document has been co-signed by an extensive list of Pugwash colleagues and personalities. 

The unsolved anthrax murder mystery

The US public health system has serious vulnerabilities, and one major problem is identifying and responding to public health crimes.

Did climate deniers just admit they don’t know what they’re talking about?

Global warming skeptics have finally figured out why they can’t make any sense of the science: They’re not scientists.

United States nuclear weapons, 2024

The United States has embarked on a wide-ranging nuclear modernization program. We estimate that its maintains a stockpile of approximately 3,708 warheads.

The renewable energy transition has begun

Why the United States will move toward a renewables-dominated electrical system and away from nuclear power