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Search results for nuclear terrorism

Corea del Norte: un acuerdo negociado sigue siendo la mejor esperanza

En un discurso dirigido al Congreso del Partido de los Trabajadores el 7 de mayo, Kim Jong-un dijo a su audiencia que Corea del Norte era «un Estado responsable con armas nucleares» que no usaría armas nucleares «a menos que fuerzas agresivas hostiles con armas nucleares invadan su soberanía». Prometió «luchar por la desnuclearización global» … Continued

North Korea: A negotiated settlement remains the best hope

In an address to the Workers' Party Congress on May 7, Kim Jong-un told his audience that North Korea was "a responsible nuclear weapon state" that would not use nuclear weapons—"unless its sovereignty is encroached upon by any aggressive hostile forces with nukes." He pledged to "strive for global denuclearization"—but he emphasized the continuation of … Continued

What Jeff Sessions as attorney general will mean for the Iran Deal

While the attorney general has no direct role, the actions of the Justice Department carry a ripple effect.

Flailing, but not failing

In Round Two, my colleague Manpreet Sethi correctly emphasized that terrorist penetration of sensitive military sites is a matter of real concern. But she focused narrowly on Pakistan's vulnerabilities to terrorism, and this oversimplifies the issue. The recent history of terrorist attacks—against the United States in 2001, London in 2005, Mumbai in 2008, Norway in … Continued

It’s time to modernize the bioweapons convention

It’s time for the bioweapons convention to make serious reforms or risk becoming irrelevant. 

Golpes fuertes pero no fracasos

En la Segunda Ronda, mi colega Manpreet Sethi recalcó correctamente que la penetración terrorista de sitios militares sensibles es un asunto realmente preocupante. Sin embargo, se centró concretamente en las vulnerabilidades de Pakistán en relación con el terrorismo, y esto simplifica demasiado las cosas. La historia reciente de ataques terroristas -contra los Estados Unidos en … Continued

2020 Doomsday Clock Statement

Overview Current Time FAQ Timeline Dashboard Multimedia Virtual Tour Closer than ever: It is 100 seconds to midnight 2020 Doomsday Clock Statement Science and Security Board Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Editor, John Mecklin It is 100 seconds to midnight To: Leaders and citizens of the world Re: Closer than ever: It is 100 seconds … Continued

Board Fellows

Next Generation Initiative About the Initiative Voices of Tomorrow Rieser Award Board Fellows Editorial Fellows Board Fellows The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists‘ Board Fellows Program is a professional development opportunity in organizational leadership designed to increase the skill-base and diversity of future leaders in the fields of nuclear risk, climate change, disruptive technologies, and … Continued
A monkeypox protest

The Strategic National Stockpile failed during COVID and monkeypox. Will it come through next time?

The US government's main repository of supplies for responding to public health crises hasn't lived up to its promise in the past few years. Can it do better if and when the next pandemic threat emerges?

Different kind of crisis, same need for Washington

A new South Asian crisis began on September 18 when armed militants attacked an Indian military post in Indian-controlled Kashmir, killing 18 soldiers. Officials in New Delhi quickly voiced suspicion that Islamabad was involved. A war of words broke out. India weighed its strategic options, and Pakistan's defense minister said Islamabad wouldn't hesitate to use … Continued

Patience with Iran is needed for a negotiated solution

There has been much rhetoric suggesting that the United States, Israel, or both could become embroiled in a military conflict with Iran. While Jeffrey Goldberg has suggested in The Atlantic that Iran may be able to breathe easy for up to a year, former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton gave the country only … Continued

Good reasons to worry

After the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, many observers expected that countries seeking to establish nuclear power sectors, or expand existing ones, would ask this question above all: How safe is nuclear energy? Instead, many developing countries still claim that nuclear energy is a solution to their energy woes and have dismissed … Continued

Copy of 2021 Annual Event Program

Conversations Before Midnight Virtual Reality Tour through the Doomsday Clock, 2018-19, In Memory of Martyl, courtesy of Ellen Sandor & (art)n. Annual Event November 9, 2021 | 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Central Time This unique virtual experience allows you and your guests to join small, carefully curated “tables” and engage with our global audience, … Continued
Jonathan Tucker

Remembering a humble giant of biological and chemical weapons control

Jonathan Tucker, one of the world's most eminent experts in chemical and biological weapons, arms control and disarmament, and nonproliferation, died recently at his home in Washington, DC. He was 56 years old.

Tensiones nucleares en Asia Meridional: retomemos las cuestiones fundamentales

Durante el último mes, a medida que se ha desarrollado esta mesa redonda, en varias ocasiones ha parecido que Asia Meridional estuviera a punto de entrar en una guerra. El 18 de septiembre, en el ataque en Uri, militantes mataron a 18 soldados indios en Cachemira bajo control de India. A continuación, Nueva Delhi e … Continued

The “false allure” of biological weapons deterrence

In reading the initial Twitter response of academics and nongovernmental organizations to Seth Baum’s recent article in Contemporary Security Policy, "Winter-safe deterrence: The risk of nuclear winter and its challenge to deterrence," one would have been forgiven for assuming that the paper was advocating the use of non-contagious biological weapons as an alternative to nuclear … Continued
bitcoin surrounded by static on blue background

Introduction: The unintended—and undermanaged—consequences of blockchain and cryptocurrency

With the crash of cryptocurrencies, it may be that policy makers and the public are getting a much-needed opportunity to catch their breath, re-think, re-tool, and re-make the playing field.
Bulletin board fellows Giovana Rodrigues Manfrin (left) and Reja Younis (right).

The Bulletin welcomes 2024 board fellows

The Bulletin is thrilled to welcome its 2024 board fellows, Giovana Rodrigues Manfrin and Reja Younis. As board fellows, these women will contribute to the Bulletin’s board work, while “pulling back the curtain” on the regular workings of a governing board.

Bringing increased biological and chemical weapons provisions to the ICC

This month, the States Parties to the International Criminal Court (ICC) will come together in The Hague to prepare for their review of the Rome Statute, the ICC's governing document, in Uganda in 2010. The primary goal of this meeting is to assess how the ICC and its governing documents can be improved.

The British Parliament wants details on BWC progress

It isn't a good time to be a Member of Parliament (MP) in London. With the roasting the domestic media gave to some MPs for their inflated expense claims during a recession, many people must surely feel that little of value goes on in the Westminster Parliament. Nevertheless, it's important to give credit where credit is due.