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Why San Onofre’s Nuclear Waste Stays on the Beach

By Dan Drollette Jr | July 22, 2016

More than 1,800 tons of spent fuel from the San Onofre nuclear power plant outside San Deigo is still stuck on the grounds of the facility, says the San Diego Union-Tribune, with no long-term storage facility in sight.

Bulletin readers are well aware of the problem—but the difference this time is that it is not happening at a shuttered nuke plant tucked away in a forgotten part of the woods, on a tiny plot of land surrounded by a chain-link fence.

Instead, this is a more dramatic and telegenic case than usual: in a highly populated area, very visible, and right next to the beach. So the problem of long-term disposal may get more play in the media than usual.


Publication Name: San Diego Union-Tribune
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