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Nuclear Roundup: 10/12/16

By Jodi Lieberman | October 12, 2016

 A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

Iran Nuclear Deal

Top Nuclear Expert: Administration Maintaining 'Policy of Secrecy' on Iran

United States

Modernization of Aging US Nuclear Arsenal Crucial for Deterrence

The Presidential Nuclear Codes, Separating Fact from Fiction

Obama Ignores Our Nuclear Ghosts


Nuclear-armed North Korea presents hard choices for Obama’s successor

US Navy practices killing North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un and taking out nuclear weapons in joint military drills

Japan’s nuclear insurance against North Korea

Russia Suspends Nuclear Disposal Deals with US in Fallout Over Syria

Russian Envoy Sees Cooperation with US in Arctic, Space, Nonproliferation

Will the Breakdown in US-Russia Cooperation Reach the Arctic?

Who is Really Behind the US-Based Organization 'United Against Nuclear Iran'?

Nuclear Proliferation Linkages have Pak Fingerprints: India

Nuclear weapons material passes through or over 13 council areas in Wales

General Interest

Nuclear power plants are terrorist bait, need extra protection – ex-IAEA chief to RT


Arms Control and International Security: Thirtieth Anniversary of the Reykjavik Summit

Speaking the unspeakable

For no-first-use, universality or nothing

What Do You Do with 34 Metric Tons of Weapons-Grade Plutonium?

End the Nuclear Insanity

This Former Nuclear Bunker Is Now Used to Preserve All of America's Film Reels

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected]

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