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Nuclear Roundup: 11/07/16

By Jodi Lieberman | November 7, 2016

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

Iran Nuclear Deal

Economic, political experts review impacts of JCPOA at Press Exhibition

United States

The Real Reason the U.S. Air Force Wants a New Nuclear-Tipped Cruise Missile

Sole U.S. Air Force Nuclear Cruise Missile Showing Its Age

Air Force Reviews Vendor Bids to Build New ICBMs Engineered With High-Tech Upgrades

Nobel Peace Laureates Warn: Trump Presidency Would Bring Grave Risks

Donald Trump and the Threat of Nuclear War

Donald Trump may not become president, but his nuclear policy may live on

Two Words to End All Consideration of Voting for Trump

Donald Trump’s Nuclear Policy: Global Implications – Analysis

Election 2016 and the Growing Global Nuclear Threat


The Scariest Thing North Korea Could Ever Do: Sell a Nuclear Weapon

North Korea grows nuclear program at expense of US security

Military on high alert against N.K. threats around U.S. election

A US Election Surprise? Possible but Unlikely

South Korean Lawmakers Eye Revival of Talks on North Korea’s Nuclear Program

‘Pakistan can’t expect to be welcomed into NSG due to procurement record’

Nuclear weapon missing since 1950 'may have been found'

Can France Still Afford Nuclear Weapons?

General Interest

Simple Method Seals Nuclear Waste for Millions of Years

October 1964 nuclear testing in Mississippi

Playing a Game of Chicken with Nuclear Strategy


Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected]

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