Nuclear Roundup: 1/4/17

By Jodi Lieberman | January 4, 2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

Iran Nuclear Deal

IAEA’s Iran Approach “Almost Fair”

United States

Obama still scared of Trump with nuclear codes

Trump’s Nuclear Weapon Policy: A loose cannon in the White House?

It’s time for Trump to come to his senses on nuclear weapons

Modernizing The U.S. Army Could Make Nuclear War With Russia Less Likely

Facing North Korea and Iran, Trump Must Strengthen Nuclear Deterrence

Fact: America’s New Nuclear-Armed Submarines Must Serve for 42 Years (Until the 2080s)

NNSA conducts proficiency flight to hone emergency response capability

Radioactive contamination spreading within Hanford plant


N. Korea’s SLBM with 1-ton nuclear warhead can cover all of S. Korea: experts

How Trump can stop North Korea’s nuclear threats against the U.S.

Opinion: How the U.S. could derail North Korea’s nuclear program by force

Stakes rising, Trump has limited options to stop North Korea nuclear threat

Let It Be An Arms Race’: Our Nuclear Adversaries Have Already Started

Japan, nuclear disarmament and the ban treaty

General Interest

Featured video: Touring MIT’s nuclear facilities

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected]

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