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Nuclear Roundup: 3/16/2017

By Jodi Lieberman | March 16, 2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

Iran Nuclear Deal

The Iran Nuclear Deal has been a success for everyone involved

US to Realize JCPOA Implementation ‘Best Option’: Iran’s Zarif

United States

Trump Budget Cuts DOE Funding, but Adds Money for National Nuclear Security Administration

NRC likely shielded from Trump’s 2-for-1 order — Svinicki

Doomsday Films: Footage of Nuclear-Weapons Tests Declassified

Inside Oscar-Zero, a nuclear missile bunker frozen in time

Ruling in MOX case could mean plutonium removal, but questions remain

NuScale’s Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Keeps Moving Forward

Nuclear researchers seek to extend nuclear fuel life and efficiency through improved fuel pellets


US anticipates new round of missile, nuclear testing by North Korea

Editorial: Waking up to the North Korean nuclear nightmare

Understanding North Korea’s Nuclear Coercion Strategy

North Korea Nuclear Program: 20 Years of Diplomacy Has Failed, Tillerson Says

President Trump, North Korea, and Israel’s Nuclear Strategy

Russia’s Most Powerful Nuclear Attack Submarine Ever Is Almost Ready for Sea

US-Europe Security: Trump’s Nuclear Agenda

The Two European Nuke Plans

Draw the curtains, bury the dead: Cold War advice for nuclear attack

Nuclear Proliferation And The Dangers Of A Nuclear Armenia

Areva factory ill-equipped to make nuclear parts – French watchdog

Donald Trump’s administration backs India’s bid to join Nuclear Supplies Group

General Interest

The Real Problem With a Nuclear Ban Treaty

Lessons from the Nuclear Freeze

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected]

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