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Nuclear Roundup: 7/12/2017

By Jodi Lieberman | July 12, 2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

North Korea

Under North Korea’s nuclear threat, the world needs another Churchill

Wolfsthal: How to Reason with a Nuclear Rogue

‘North Korea could hit San Diego with ICBM within two years’, US monitoring group says

United States

Perry: Threat to US nuclear reactors ‘real,’ ongoing

Would America’s B-2 Stealth Bombers Work During a Nuclear War?

GOP senators want Tillerson to get tougher on Iran

National Lab Fedexed Plutonium to Lawrence Livermore

Documents favor MOX over downblending

House Energy and Water Appropriations Committee FY18 Report

NDAA Amendment on Limitation on Use of Funds for Long-Range Stand-Off Weapon


EU Says Iran Nuclear Deal ‘Does Not Belong to One Country’ But to the World

Withdrawal from nuclear deal will bring no good to Iran, says Russian diplomat

Moscow Slams Washington’s Unilateral Approach to JCPOA

JCPOA Panel to Meet on July 21

With Fraying U.S.-Russian Ties Comes Fraying Arms Control

The Prime Minister’s Decision to Leave Euratom Shows She Is Willing To Put Ideology Above Jobs and Nuclear Safety

May to Avert Nuclear Fallout Ahead of Brexit Repeal Bill

General Interest

Debating the UN nuclear weapons ban: New collection at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Nations of the world agree to ban nuclear weapons – now what?

The UN adopted a treaty banning nuclear weapons. But no nuclear-armed nations are on board.

Nuclear Weapons: The Burden and the Dream for Peace

Choosing a new OPCW head

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected].


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